Chapter 10

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Two days later, I sat in one of the spectator's towers overlooking the Quidditch pitch, waiting for the first match of the school year to begin. Everywhere I looked were Gryffindors and Slytherins decked out in their House colors, cheering madly with big, goofy grins planted on their faces.

Lily was on my left holding hands with her timid new boyfriend, Ervin. Phoebe was on my right smiling and pleasant as ever. To support Albus, she was wearing a simple Gryffindor scarf, even though she was in Ravenclaw. I thought it was adorable and told her so.

"Oh, it's nothing," she laughed, brushing her hair out of her eyes. "Who says a Ravenclaw can't wear some Gryffindor colors every now and then?"

I smiled. "They suit you!"

"Witches and Wizards!" boomed a very loud voice across the Quiddith pitch. I recognized it as Abe Finnigan, a friendly Hufflepuff fifth year I had met a few times. "Welcome to the very first Quidditch match of the year! Gryffindor, who we all know won the cup last year, will be playing again Slytherin, who we all know has not won the cup in quite some- OW!" There was the faint sound of someone being thumped on the back of the head. "Anyway," Abe continued, "here we have.. GRYIFFINDOR!"

The spectators roared wildly, chanting the names of the Gryffyindor players as they jogged onto the pitch, brooms in hand. My brother, the team keeper, looked particularly proud of himself and I rolled my eyes. Albus, the seeker, waved modestly and Anna, a beater,  smiled proudly up at the towers.

"And here is your absolute favorite team.." another thumping sound interrupted Abe's sarcastic speech again. "SLYTHERIN!"

There was slightly less cheering as the Slytherin team jogged onto the pitch, vicious death glares already on their faces.

Only their seeker was looking up at the towers and he was looking straight at me.

"Is he looking at you?" Lily gasped, poking my arm incessantly. She leaned closer to the ground below, squinting her eyes to get a better look. "DUMBLEDORE'S BEARD! Scorpius Malfoy is looking at you like you're the last girl in the world!"

I waited for him to break eye contact, my heart racing and my stomach filling with butterflies. He didn't look away, but smiled instead. I smiled back and quickly dropped my gaze, blushing.

Holy nargles, Rose Weasley, what is this boy doing to you?

I kind of liked it.

"What was that all about?" Pheebs prodded, a hint of playfulness in her voice.

"You're totally cute together! Lily squealed before I could get a chance to answer. "I don't know how I didn't see this before. WHY DID YOU NOT TELL ME YOU WERE SECRETLY DATING A MALFOY? UNCLE RON IS GOING TO FREAK OUT!"

I looked around nervously, seeing who had heard Lily's enthusiastic announcements about my personal life. Luckily, no one was paying me any attention and I let go of the breath I had been holding. "Calm down, Lils. We're not dating. I don't even like him."

Her and Phoebe raised their eyebrows at me pointedly.

"..That much," I added onto my previous statement.

They laughed. I didn't think it was that funny.

"Stop! This isn't a good thing," I whispered, still worried people were going to overhear. "I can't like a Malfoy!"

"Why not?" Phoebe reasoned.

I put my hands in my hips, exasperated. "Let's see," I said sarcastically. "My entire family hates his. His entire family hates mine. Did I mention our families hate each other?"

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