Chapter 3

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"How could McGonagall be so insensitive!" I complained loudly to Anna as we walked to my new common room.

I had just finished telling the prefects what to do to take the first years to their house common rooms, and she was helping me carry my luggage. Also, we needed some serious girl talk and I had my room all to myself so it was the best place for it. Head Girl privileges.

"I don't believe it!" she complained just as loudly. I loved my best friend. "And Scorpius didn't help you with the first years at all?" she asked.

"Of course not," I said as we walked into my common room. "He's a lazy, good for nothing-"

"Talking about me behind my back, are you?" someone said from somewhere in the room.

Malfoy was laying across one of the three grey couches that circled the fireplace on the right wall. His expression was one of exaggerated interest and concern. He ran a hand through his messy blond hair.

Anna murmured something about "that good looking son of Odin" from behind me and I rolled my eyes.

"Of course not, Malfoy," I said pleasantly. "I was only describing the door."

"Like my decorating job?" he asked. He gave a charming smile. Like I would ever fall for that.

Anna walked to the middle of the room and turned in a huge circle. "You did this?"

He nodded.

"Well," she laughed, "that explains the poor color choice."

I stifled a laugh.

The whole room was painted Slytherin green. On the wall opposite the fireplace, there were huge windows that were enchanted to alternate between views of eerie rainforests, beautiful beaches, and breathtaking mountains. There was a huge silver rug on the floor that had hundreds of embroidered snakes on it. Two staircases spiraled up either side of the open room and ended at doors labled "Head Girl" on the left and "Head Boy" on the right. I assumed those were our rooms. On both sides of the door I had just come through were bookshelves lined with all sorts of books.

Cute boy likes books. A small part of me fluttered.

Woah, what was that about, Rose?  I asked myself. Cute boy is jerk.

"Rose isn't a Slytherin," Anna told Scorpius. She put her hands on her hips defensively.

Malfoy sat up to face her. "I'm well aware of that.."

"Anna. My name is Anna, you git."

"Anna," he said in a smooth voice, rubbing his chin in thought. "I like that."

She melted under his gaze.

I rushed to her side, dragging all of my heavy luggage, and grabbed her hand. "If you'll excuse us," I said rudely. I pulled Anna up my staircase and into my room, slamming the door behind me.

"Hey!" she exclaimed.

"Anna," I said in the most low, seductive tone I could muster. I sighed loudly and pretended to faint.

She giggled. "Okay, okay, I'm an idiot. You've made your point."

I giggled with her and looked around the room. It was about half the size of the regular dorms with a twin bed in the middle and a small window looking out over the greenhouses.

"Cozy," she said happily.

I took out my wand. "Not quite yet." I waved it with a flick of my wrist and said a spell I had read about a few months ago.

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