Chapter 7

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"We've covered half the halls. That's good enough. Let's go," Scorpius complained for the fiftieth time that night.

We were doing night patrol, and it seemed to take so much longer dragging him with me then it did when I did it alone.

"No, we can't just ignore our responsibilities because we're tired! What if someone's locked out of their common room? Or what if there's someone out of bed and sneaking around?" I snapped.

"Why should I care? I've snuck out plenty of times myself," he whined.

"Most of us have more brain cells."

He caught up to me and grabbed my arm, pulling me to a stop. "You have snuck out at least once though, right?" His grey eyes reflected the adventurous plans I knew were forming in his head.

"Of course I have!" I said, pulling my arm from his grip.

He raised his eyebrows, seeing through my lie.

I sighed. "Okay, fine. I haven't."

"It's your seventh year! You're going to be gone soon."

I shrugged, indifferent.

"Come on, we're sneaking out." He grabbed my hand and pulled me down the corridor in the opposite way we were meant to be going.

"Scorpius! What are you doing?" I asked, laughing. "I don't want to sneak out."

"Why not?" He asked. He seemed so genuine in that moment, so unlike who I knew him to be.

We stopped walking when we reached a painting I knew to be a secret exit, thanks to Uncle George.

"Well, for one, it's against the rules! And for two-" He clamped his hand over my mouth to shut me up.

"You're so boring, Rose! I thought you were a Weasley."

I bristled with annoyance. Of course I'm a Weasley! And proud of it. "Fine," I agreed with a smirk. I took the corner of the painting and pulled it open to reveal a dark passage.

Surprise lit up Malfoy's features. "You know a secret exit?"

"Like you said. I'm a Weasley." I carelessly motioned to the opening in the wall. "After you."

He smirked at me and climbed behind the painting. His wand was already in his hand. "Lumos!"

I followed him and pulled the painting shut behind me, hoping we'd be able to find it again. Why did I agree to this? Stupid Weasley pride.

I began to panic and quickly lit up my wand. It provided little comfort. The tiny passageway we were in was just tall enough for us to stand without hitting our heads on the ceiling. It was pitch black and very claustrophobia inducing.

I happened to be claustrophobic.

"Okay, Scorpius. I snuck out, it was great, and we can go back now."

He laughed. "No."

"Please!" I begged.

I barely made out his head shaking 'no' in the faint light our wands provided.

I started to hyperventilate. Malfoy realized I was being serious, and his expression went from playful to concerned. "Are you okay? Can you breathe? Whats wrong?" He shot out questions, one on top of the other.

One look at his face and I started laughing uncontrollably, pulling me out of my panic. "You- look- so- scared!" I said in between hiccups and laughs.

He calmed down and began laughing with me.

Then, without warning, we were standing within inches of each other, our faces almost touching. I studied his face, entranced. His grey eyes were surprisingly soft, but pierced me nonetheless. His jaw was set in permanent stubbornness, and looked like it was chiseled out of stone. His lips drew into a small smile and met his faint dimples.

I wondered what it would be like to kiss him right there in that dark corridor. Wait, what?

"Okay, let's go," I announced in a small voice. I was blushing as I stepped back and gently shoved Scorpius out of the way to take his place in the lead.

He followed behind me, and for once, he said nothing.


I don't know what made me want to sneak out of Hogwarts with Rose. She annoyed the crap out of me most of the time, but still, I found myself convincing her to come with me. Who would have known she knew a secret exit?

Of course, once she was in it, she acted like a psycho. She started freaking out and her breath began coming out in jagged gasps. I thought she was going to start crying, and I honestly am so clueless about comforting crying girls. I must have showed it because, suddenly, she was laughing at me and I was laughing with her, and then we were standing face to face, so close I could feel her warmth.

She looked frighteningly beautiful in the faint light with her ginger hair still messy from sleeping and her blue eyes filled with playfulness.

I was very tempted to kiss her.

"Okay, let's go," she stated, pulling me out of my haze. She bumped into me as she scrambled to keep walking.

I was silent behind her, processing what had just happened. I think I almost kissed Rose Weasley.

It was awkwardly silent. Like, very awkwardly silent.

I coughed.

"Why do you do it?" Rose said, breaking the silence better than I had.

I was confused. "Do what?"

"Put on an act. You always act so... tough. No, that's not the right word. Careless. But, you genuinely care about things. I mean, we were just laughing together after I almost died."

"Maybe it's not an act," I replied cheekily. I was surprised at her question.

She chose to ignore me as she slowed down to walk next to me. "I'm serious, Scorpius." It wasn't very often she used my actual name. It sounded poetic coming from her.

I debated between answering her question with a sarcastic remark or with the truth. I decided the truth was better saved for another day. "Nice to meet you, Serious. I'm Careless."

She rolled her eyes, but giggled softly. "You're a jerk."

"Breaking out the vocabulary, are we Weasley?"

She shoved me playfully. "Jerk."

Suddenly, the loudest, most ear piercing howl erupted from above us somewhere in the castle.

We shared a quick look of surprise before hurrying back out of the tunnel and into the halls of Hogwarts.


A/N: Sorry I haven't updated in a while! I've been traveling and just haven't felt like writing. Also, school is almost starting for me and I have a TON of summer homework I need to finish, ugh. No excuses though, I'll hopefully keep up the updating.

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