Chapter 6

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After my classes were over, I decided to go to my common room to do my homework and write a couple letters.

I walked slowly through the corridors, taking in everything about Hogwarts. I inhaled the familiar scent of dust and sweet-smelling herbs, staying close to the windows so I could feel the sunlight filtering through the glass and see the Gryffindor quidditch team practicing several floors below in the field. I was going to miss this place next year. Maybe I would come back to teach.

"Weasley!" came a familiar voice when I neared the common room. "You locked me out."

Malfoy was standing in front of the door, his wand out and his hair obnoxiously messy.

I crossed my arms and smirked, quite proud of myself. "Maybe."

He clearly wasn't pleased. "Would you just tell me the bloody password so I can go take a nap?"

"Alright," I giggled, walking over to where he was standing. "Malfoy stinks." The door swung open with a creak. "After you."

"Very funny," he stated as he wandered into the room. "You ruined my decorating job."

I made a face. "You mean improved."

He ignored me. Plopping down on one of his grey couches, he took off his robe and loosened his Slytherin tie around the collar of his white dress shirt. If only his personality matched his looks.

Catching my gaze, he paused. He raised his eyebrows, a playful glint in his grey eyes. "You want to help?"

I scoffed, embarrassed. "You wish, Malfoy." My cheeks were burning. The bloody Weasley blush.

He grinned and ran a hand through his hair.

I couldn't think of anything to say and I was getting increasingly more uncomfortable, so I fled the scene and escaped to my room. I heard him chuckling from behind my closed door, which sent a wave of annoyance flooding through me.

He was so arrogant! He thought he had every girl falling at his feet.

I remembered him standing downstairs in his untucked shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, and his crooked tie hanging loosely around his neck. His blond hair was still sticking up in its irritating habit, making my OCD fingers ache to fix it.

A very annoying pecking sound interrupted my thoughts. It was coming from my window.

I hurried across the room to see a rather large tawny owl perched outside on the windowsill. It had a letter around his foot.

"Hello there." I let it in and gave it one of the treats I had in my pocket. Then I took the letter and gave it a scratch on its head. "Good boy." He pecked me. "Ow! I'm sorry, good girl."

The bird gave an indignant squawk before flying away.

I sat on my bed and opened the letter to read it. Impatiently, I skimmed to the bottom of the parchment to see who had written it. It was from Victoire! I had always had a close relationship with my uncle's godson, Teddy, and his wife, Victoire. They were a few years older than me, and I had always looked up to them as role models.

Dearest Rose,

I miss you! It's always so lonely here when all of you return to Hogwarts. I heard you were made Head Girl. That's so exciting! I'm sure that you've heard my big news by now, but I wanted to tell you personally. I'm having a baby! The baby is due sometime in May or June and our doctor says we will be able to see if it is a boy or a girl in a couple months! Teddy and I are incredibly nervous, but also SO EXCITED. I hope you'll return home for the holidays this year.

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