Chapter 36: Explanations

Start from the beginning

"We don't believe that we can truly stop you from seeing her, but just be careful and don't do anything reckless. We can't afford anything like what had happened with those reporters to happen again since we have no bait," the third manager claimed with a small sigh. The members were the ones to nod in understanding this time as they waved to their managers before making their way down to the beach after they left the building.

It was true what Jimin said. The sun was setting and the clouds were becoming darker. They would be less recognizable now and once it gets dark, they wouldn't be recognizable at all unless a light was flashed in their faces. For now, it seemed they would be safe from any more reporters. They still did worry though about Dr. Kai. He had been behind the reporters before, whose to say that he wouldn't do it again, but they needed to warn Y/N and Jungkook needed to get out of his room for a bit.

They walked along the beach, feeling the sand in between their toes as they walked and hearing the waves crashing against the shore. It was relaxing after the few weeks they had. The entire time though, they looked around as they walked, trying to spot any cameras or reporters that could be hiding behind trees, in bushes, in trash cans, under benches, anywhere that had a hiding spot.

When they finally reached the spot that they would always visit Y/N, they looked around. They spotted nothing, but what they decided to do for now was set up flash lights pointing away from the water, so that they could see if someone was there or not, watching them. Then they sat on the sand and waited for Y/N.

"Hm, I'm wondering if we should like set up a trap in those bushes and trees, so that if reporters or that scientist ever came around then we would catch them in the act," Jungkook recommended with a mischievous look.

"Uh no, we're not booby-trapping the trees and bushes," Namjoon declined as he shook his head. Jungkook clicked his tongue and rolled his eyes, but said nothing more.

"We don't necessarily have to booby-trap them, but maybe just put something that can alert us, like a button that they walk on or a sensor," Jimin suggested with a shrug, "Although, those kinds of things might be expensive." The members thought over Jimin's suggestion, but before any of them could reply, a familiar voice spoke up.

"Hi," a familiar voice greeted them softly. They immediately recognized the voice and smiled when they noticed Y/N's head popping out from the surface of the water. She smiled back at them in greeting as she slowly swam towards them. "Haven't see you guys in a while."

"Yeah, we're sorry about that. We've been trying to handle a situation," Jungkook replied with a small sigh as he stood up and walked into the water towards her. He walked closer and closer to her until he was standing right in front of her. His hand came up and stroked her cheek gently. "I missed you Y/N."

"I missed you too Jungkook," Y/N responded with a cute smile as her tail moved quickly in the water propelling her upwards until her lips pressed against his and she kissed him softly. He was surprised by this, but then smiled and kissed back, wrapping his arms around her waist.

The members who were normally awkward seeing this, all had smiles on their faces, happy to see the two lovebirds back together again and seeing Jungkook smiling again.

Jungkook and Y/N kissed for a little while longer before pulling apart and smiling at each other lovingly.

"It's nice to see you again Y/N," the other members said as they smiled at Y/N.

"Yeah, I hope that whatever it was that called you back to the dorms last time we saw each other went ok," she voiced with a teasing smile. The members went to smile, but then stopped when they remembered what had happened. Even Jungkook's smile had drooped. Y/N noticed a looked at them worriedly. "What's wrong? Did I say something?"

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