My Head

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The thoughts in my head scream at me. Nothing is anyone else's fault, just my thoughts. They've convinced me that I'm better off alone and that's what I'm going to do for a while. If anyone is to blame, it's me. People are stressful and have problems and I'm the type of person that wants to deal with everyone else's problems instead of my own. So for a couple weeks, I'm dealing with my own. 

tub i raews fi uoy kcip pu taht nmad elttob niaga, m'i onnag kcip pu ym nmad sedalb niaga. ti saw ym tluaf taht uoy detnaw ot knird dna uoy t'nac egnahc ym dnim tuoba taht. i detnaw ot eid esuaceb i saw gnikcuf pu ruoy efil erom. tsuj sa hcum sa uoy ekil eht etsat fo ruoy sknird, i ekil ot ees eht doolb og nwod ym niks. os m'i gniggeb uoy ot pots, ton tsuj rof em tub rof uoy. emalb ruoy gnikcuf fles dna i lliw hcnup uoy. i saw tsomla ni sraet yadot. i epoh uoy dluoc llet.

My head hurts and even tho I slept for hours today, I'm tired. Almost 200 words and it's still not enough to explain my thoughts. But it's enough for tonight. Goodnight.

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