Chapter 35: Mission Retrieve The Vile [P2]

Start from the beginning

"I say we break in," Yoongi suggested with a neutral expression as he shrugged. The members all looked at him baffled. "What? They stole something of ours."

"Hyung, they could sue us for breaking in," Jimin stated as he shook his head disapproving. Yoongi shrugged in response.

"Alright, so then we sneak in," Yoongi proposed with a sigh, "We wear all black clothes. We go at night and sneak in, take the vile back and leave. Simple."

"I don't think it's as simple as that hyung. Plus, that scientist may have taken it home with him. If he got a look at the sample under the microscope and if he truly has the sample then he's going to want to protect it because he'll probably guess that we've figured out that he didn't give us the right vile," Jungkook said as he bit his lip as he thought for a moment before looking at Hoseok and Namjoon, "I've got an idea."

"What is it Jungkook?" Taehyung asked curiously as he and the others looked at the youngest with looks of anticipation.

"Namjoon hyung and Hobi hyung, you two need to find a way to get back into that building or lab. You need to find that vile without this Dr. Kai suspecting," Jungkook explained curtly. Hoseok and Namjoon glanced at each other in worry. "It's the only way."

"Yeah, that's good. You two should act like you haven't realized that he took the vile that way he won't suspect that you're there to get it back," Yoongi said as he nodded in agreement to Jungkook's plan, "The rest of us can see if we can disguise ourselves or something, so we can sort of help out. Like you can distract while the rest of us search everywhere." The others nodded at that.

"And what if we get caught?" Namjoon asked with a serious look, "How are we going to explain to the police, our managers, our staff, and our fans as to why we did all of us?" The members went quiet at that and glanced at each other uncertain. Namjoon sighed as he looked at them, but mostly Jungkook. "Look, I know I messed up. I shouldn't have trusted that scientist, but trying to get it back, we're going to be risking a lot more than just Y/N's existence, but we're going to be risking our lives and our careers. I know that sounds like I'm saying that I don't care about Y/N, but I do care. It's just this situation, we can't get out of it as easily as we could with those reporters. We need to think clearly about this before doing anything reckless."

"Oh you mean how you decided to just show a scientist water from the moon pool? You mean, that kind of reckless?" Jungkook asked sarcastically as he shot his hyung a narrowed eyed glare. The others looked at Jungkook and sent him looks in a way to scold him, but Namjoon held up his hand to the others to tell them that it was fine.

"Yes, that kind of reckless," he answered with a small nod, "We're stuck Jungkook. I mean, Dr. Kai might just be curious. We don't know that he's going to do anything evil to Y/N or the moon pool. Maybe we should just let him have this sample." As soon as he said this, Jungkook shook his head vigorously.

"Jungkook, Namjoon is right. We're going to lose a lot if we try to retrieve that sample. It's so small too," Hoseok mentioned with a small smile as he reached out and placed his hand on the younger one's shoulder, but Jungkook slapped his hyung's hand away and glared at him. Jungkook then glanced at the others trying to see what the others think, but all he got out of it was that the others had thought the same thing. He scoffed as he shook his head and glared at all of them.

"No, I refuse to just let things take their course," Jungkook refused as he continued to glare, "How can you all just stand there and sell Y/N out like this?! She's our friend hyungs!" The members looked at Jungkook with sympathetic expressions.

"Maybe, we can go and ask for the vile back. If he's not an evil scientist then when we confront him about it then he'll realize that we've found out and give it back to us," Taehyung spoke out with a hint of hope in his tone. The members all glanced at one another. "If that doesn't work, we can always think of something else." The members glanced at one another, thinking of Taehyung's suggestion. His suggestion was the easiest and safest option for them. "Oh! And we can do the whole spy thing by like recording our conversation with him, so like if he decides not to give the vile back then we can show his confession to the police."

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