Chapter Fourteen

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Connie stepped off the elevator with Maddox right behind her. The two had arrived at Level 11. They saw a statue of Bendy on their left and the remains of a member of the Butcher Gang on the floor ahead of them, leading into a much more open space. This one had the head of Edgar and the body of Barley. Its neck was replaced by a fishing rod. The two stepped into the open area and saw another Little Miracle Station and a long hallway flooded with ink. They stepped into the ink and trudged through. Connie was walking rather fast and Maddox had tried catching up with her.

"What do YOU want?" she snapped.

"I just wanna talk." Maddox responded as he slowed down.

"I don't wanna hear it. In case you haven't noticed, I'm not interested in talking to you!"

Maddox lowered his head and stared at the ground. Then, out of the corner of his eye, he saw a board hanging loosely from the ceiling. "Hey, Connie?" he asked.

"Do you ever just shut up?" She hissed. "Leave me alone!"

"I-I just wanted to tell you that-" he stuttered.

"What could possibly be so important that-" the board swung down right before it fell. Connie was stopped right in front of it.

"THAT'S what was so important!" Maddox growled. 

He stormed ahead of her until Connie finally said: "Wait!" 

Maddox turned his head around so fast, he got a kink in his neck. "What?!"

"F... fine... " Connie stuttered. "I'll hear you out..."

Maddox waited until Connie caught up to him. "So... what's up?" she asked, in a somewhat calmer tone.

"Sorry about... back there..." he responded. "You have every right to be upset with me," he lowered his head. "I shouldn't expect you to forgive me after all that crap we went through back in April."

"Y'know what?" Connie smiled. "I think I'm done with being mad at you after everything that happened. I don't see myself trusting you again for a while, but I am ready to move on."

"Really?" Maddox lifted his head. "You don't trust me? I'm hurt!" he said in a joking manner.

"It's gonna take a while before I'll be ready, but we're at least taking baby steps."

Maddox couldn't stop the grin coming onto his face. "Is there anything I can do to prove myself to you?"

"I'll let you know when we're at that stage." She giggled.

"Connie, wait!" Maddox said, with sudden panic in his voice.

"What?" she asked nervously.

There was a pause. "There's a nail sticking out of the floor. I don't want you to ruin your Converses."

Connie glared at him. "So you don't want my cool shoes to get wrecked, but you're fine with me pulling a Marv from Home Alone?"

Maddox stared at her blank faced. "I-I didn't mean..." he stuttered.

"I'm just kidding." She laughed. The two laughed the whole way down the hall. It was the first time in a while Maddox made Connie laugh.

They made it to the end of the hallway and saw another room with an audio recording. This one once again belonging to the janitor, Wally Franks, and they listened until the end and entered the room. They looked around until Maddox saw another small hallway and he went to the back of it. There was another metal door, but neither of them could get through it.

"Welp," Connie started. "This was a bust. Let's go back and look for Lys."


Alyssa and Bendy watched as the elevator slowly crawled down to Level P. They stepped outside and looked around for whoever had come to this floor. Neither of them could remember who had volunteered to explore this one. All of a sudden, Bendy started shaking in Alyssa's arms.

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