Chapter Ten

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Nobody said a word until ink started slowly leaking out of the machine. They all watched, hoping the leaking would stop. Once they realized it wasn't going to stop, Alyssa and the others came to the conclusion that they made a mistake and needed to turn off the machine, ASAP. The five of them raced toward the power room, but saw that all six objects needed to turn on the machine were gone. Alyssa's heart started pounding so loudly, you could just barely hear it. 

Suddenly, an ominous voice repeating the phrase "Sheep, sheep, sheep, it's time for sleep. Rest your head, it's time for bed." could be heard. Whoever was saying it repeated it five times before a loud crash followed. It didn't take a Bill Gates or Steve Jobs to realize that they weren't alone.

Lys quickly realized what had happened. "We gotta make a run for it! Head for the exit!" 

The group made a mad dash down the hall. Not a single one of them had memorized the layout of the first floor, so they ran all over the place until Nate eventually found the main portion of the first floor. The rest caught up to him and they turned toward the entrance hall, hoping to leave, get the police to help them for once, and maybe never talk about this experience ever again. But once they turned down the hall, the floor gave out and they fell all the way back to the room with the pentagram.

Great, they were back where they started.

Lys had caught a glimpse of a tall figure with the face of the Devil-Mickey hybrid standing right in front of the exit just before they fell. That must've been who was in there with them. The group collectively decided there wasn't much of a point in staying in that room anymore, so they made their way down some stairs, trudged back across the flooded hallway, and went to a new room. Alyssa pulled out her iPhone and looked at the time. 3:01.

"No service down here." She said, while holding her phone up above her head. "Looks like I can't call Derrick and tell him we're gonna be late. Can't call for help, either."

"So..." Connie started. "Now what?"

The boys all looked at Lys. "Well... there should be an emergency exit nearby."

"Emergency exit?!" Maddox said, clearly very annoyed. "We fell like three stories! What makes you think there will be an emergency exit all the way down here?"

Connie looked around. "Where exactly is 'here', anyway?"

"It looks to me like an old music studio." Nate responded. "I may or may not have walked in on people making magic in the pool room, so I don't think this place is entirely abandoned."

"Oh, come on!" Connor groaned.

"Thanks, AGAIN for that, Nate." Alyssa sighed. Connie and Maddox both facepalmed. There was a sudden thud, followed by the creepy phrase the group had heard from earlier. It sounded much more far away this time, but it sounded like it was slowly growing louder.

"Sheep, sheep, sheep, it's time for sleep. Rest your head, it's time for bed."

Alyssa froze in place. "We gotta hide somewhere! At least until whoever or whatever that is, is gone."

"Where would we hide though? Connor asked, while looking around. There weren't that many places in eyesight that were all that great for hiding.

"I think there's a recording studio down here." Nate said. "Why don't we hide in the booth?"

"Won't the glass be a problem?" Connie asked, with sweat starting to drip down her face.

"We'll just lean on the wall with the glass, like in those lockdown drills our teachers make us do.

"That might just work!" Lys said. 

The group rushed to the recording studio, with Nate leading the way. Once they were inside, they realized they wouldn't be able to get into the booth. The door to get in was nowhere in sight and it was probably all locked up anyways.

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