Chapter Two

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"Alyssa Bates?"

Lys walked up to the front desk at the gate. "Here you go," she handed the security her passport. "But, if you don't mind, only my Mom reverted back to her maiden name. Me and my siblings go by Drew-Bates. But if you want to keep it simple, you can just use Drew."

"My apologizes, ma'am." The security said.

"S'all good. It happens a lot. Honest mistake!"

"Okay, Alyssa Drew-Bates, your seat is in row 29."

"Thank you! Have a good day!"

"You too, ma'am."

Alyssa walked into the plane and looked down at her ticket. 

29... G. Shouldn't be hard too hard to find.

After five minutes of searching, Alyssa found her seat and sat down. She pulled her phone out of her pocket, mindful of the strict technology rules on most airplanes, and booted up Spotify. She selected her playlist and put in her AirPods. Not long after, another woman sat down next to her. 

"You don't mind if I sit here, do you?" she said

"Of course not," Lys responded, while taking a bud out of her ear. "Go right ahead."

The woman placed her purse under her seat. "How's your day going?"

"Pretty okay. How about you, Miss... uh..."

"Jean Durdle. And you are?"

"Alyssa Drew-Bates. My friends call me Lys."

"Well, Lys, My day is going just fine. It's nice to meet you."

"You as well, ma'am."

"Good afternoon, passengers, this is your captain speaking." A voice came over the intercom. "At this time, we would like all passengers in their seats with their seat belts fastened and cellphones and electronics turned off. A video guide will appear on your screens shortly going over all safety procedures for this airplane. Once the video is finished, we will prepare the plane for take off. Thank you for your cooperation and have a good flight."

Lys put her bud back in her ear and lowered the volume, so she wouldn't get caught. Jean didn't seem to notice. The video was about five minutes long and once it was over the plane began to move toward the runway. Minutes later, the plane sped up. Before Lys could realize it, she was in the air. 

About half a minute passed before Lys remembered she was in a window seat. She pulled her blind up and could barely see the airport. Wisconsin looked so tiny from all the way up in the air.

"You ever been on a plane before?" Jean asked.

"Once." Alyssa responded. "But I was only four and way too young to remember. My sister Whitney says I cried the whole way there."

"Oh, so you have siblings?"

"Well, there's Whitney, who's older than me and my younger brother Ewan. Whitney turned 20 three months ago. Ewan is about to turn 11. I turn 16 next month."

"Well, that's just lovely, dear."

"What about you, ma'am?"

"Three older sisters. We're all exactly a year apart in age."

"Oh wow, you must be big on family, then!"

"Of course, I love my sisters dearly."

"My dad is like that too. In fact, I'll be staying with my dad's cousin Derrick when I get to Philadelphia."

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