Chapter Six

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The group exchanged a series of blank looks until Connie finally said: "What are you doing with them?"

Lys opened her mouth to respond but before she could get anything out, a voice could be heard.

"What do you kids think you're doing?!"

Startled, they all turned around to see a security guard wearing all blue. He pulled out his phone and said "Requesting backup. We have five trespassers on private property."

They all looked at each other again before Alyssa took off running. "We got a runner." The security guard said as two other guards arrived on scene.

Connie dashed after Lys and the boys soon followed.

"Scratch that, we have five."

Someone heard footsteps chasing after the group and one of them shouted out "They're coming after us!" Lys didn't stop running for anything. No matter how much her sides hurt from cramps, she wasn't gonna stop for anything. 

"Where are we going?" Connie asked in an almost shout.

That was something Lys didn't think about. As a matter of fact, Lys didn't even think about what she was doing when she took off running. All she knew was there was gonna be serious trouble if she didn't book it. It didn't even matter that her new vans that she had bought prior to the trip were about to get extremely dirty. "I don't know!" She responded. "Just run for now! We'll figure it out when they're gone!"

They kept on running until Nate heard one of the security guards say "It's no use, they're too far ahead."

Even after hearing that, the group didn't slow down at all. It was only when they noticed Connor was turning green that they decided to let their guards down and stop running. They had stopped in some woods near the waterfront. Nate carefully tended to him and the feeling of puking eventually passed. Then, Connor threw up on Nate.

Lys let out a small giggle, then quickly covered her mouth. Connie began to laugh and in a matter of minutes, all five of them erupted with laughter, even Connor, and he hadn't cracked a smile all day. Lys was laughing so hard, she had forgotten to be mad at Maddox.

"That was..." she said in between deep breaths as her laughter slowly stopped. "That was so nuts!"

"I've never felt more alive!" Nate said, as he pulled out a cloth, soaked it with his water bottle, and slowly cleaned up the mess Connor left on him.

Alyssa looked over at Connor. "I think this might be the first time I've seen you smile all day."

"Well, don't get used to it," he laughed. "Consider yourself lucky you're even seeing it now."

Connie sat herself up and looked around at the others. "I'm gonna be completely honest here: That was fun."

"Really?" Nate looked at her, surprised. "Running from authority was fun?"

"Surprisingly, yes. It was. I don't know. It just felt like such an adrenaline rush, which is a feeling I don't think I've had in a while. Although, I wouldn't mind if we never had to have that happen again."

"Yeah," Maddox agreed. "We should totally do this again!"

"What? Get in trouble with the law?" Connor retorted.

"No, I mean we should all hang out again!"

"Why not tomorrow?" Connie suggested. "I don't have practice for another two weeks, and I doubt you three have anything else going on."

"What would we even do?" Nate asked. "Go find the workshop again?"

"Nah," Alyssa said. "It's becoming pretty evident we'll never find it. Let's do something actually fun tomorrow."

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