"What are you doing here?" His voice was laced with venom, glaring down at the girl.

"Oh! This is the girl that's friends with Naoki, she's just here to look after Eri." The other member said.

"Hai." (Y/n) said, keeping her stale voice, "he asked me to look over her while he was at a meeting today."

He gave her a look, something about the (h/c) masked girl didn't sit well with him, but if it was overhaul he couldn't question his authority. (Y/n) felt her body go cold under his stare, but she kept her aloof state in order to try and fool him.

Finally averting his gaze he turned his head to look forward. "I don't know what he sees in you, but hurry along and get to where you're going. We don't need incompetent people like you staling around."

"Hai." (Y/n) said, quickly walking around the two members as she continued down the hall towards Eri's room. Sighing in relief she placed a hand on the door knob and gently opened it, peeking in.

"Eri?" She whispered, walking into the room and closing the door. The said girl perked up as her dull eyes brightened at the sight of the (h/c) haired girl.

"(Y/n) Nee!" She exclaimed, rushing up to her as (y/n) softly smiled, crouching down to open her arms as the little girl crashed into them. "What are you doing here? I thought you were gonna come at night?"

"I asked to come extra early." (Y/n) chuckled gently patting her head.


"Really. I wanted to see you."

Eri gave her a wide smile as she tightened her hold around the older girl' neck. (Y/n) chuckled, gently wrapping her arms around her torso and patting her back gingerly. "Did you miss me that much?"

"Mhm!" Eri nodded as (y/n) put an arm under her legs and lifted her up in the air, gently cradling the poor girl. (Y/n) hummed in response, patting her back ever so gently as Eri felt her eyes slowly starting to get heavy, "I... I wish... I could run away...... with you......" she mumbled.

"Is that so?" (Y/n) asked, rubbing her back.

"Mm...." Eri mumbled, gripping tightly onto (y/n)'s shirt, "this place........ I don't like it......."

"I know..." (y/n) looked down at the ground with a sad look, "just give me some more time okay? I promise I'll get you out of here.." she whispered.

"Really?" Eri asked, pushing herself off her shoulder and looking into her (e/c) colored eyes.

"I promise." (Y/n) said, lifting a pinky to her view.

Eri smiled widely, lacing her own tiny pinky with hers as they bumped fists. (Y/n) chuckled, then shoved her hands into her pockets, taking something out, "hey I have something for you."

"For me?"

"Mhm." (Y/n) nodded, gently placing the girl down and reaching out a hand, "I don't really know what you like... so I bought something that I thought you might like.... sorry if you don't like it.." she nervously laughed, rubbing the back of her head.

Inside of her palm was a small box of band aids that had drawings of bright red strawberries on them, all different in sizes and shapes. "I see you have a lot of bandages on your arms so I thought..."

She was cut off by Eri gently taking the box out of her hands and looking at it with sparkles in her eyes, "I... I love it!"

"You do?"

"Mm!" Eri exclaimed raising the box in the air and looking at it with awe. "What are these?"

"They're called strawberries," (y/n) chuckled, "they taste sweet and tart." She gently took the box from Eri's hand and opened it, taking out a small band aid, ripping it open and placing it gently on Eri's arm. "Once I get you out of here..... I'll buy you all the strawberries you want."

Repulsive (book 2) [BNHA Reader Insert]Where stories live. Discover now