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January 30th
12:32 PM

"So today you will be working on a group project on the topic of struggles that different civilians would still face in today's society"

"Struggles like Classism?" Ururaka glared at you before turning back to face Aizawa.

"I asked you what your cashapp was tho?" You loudly whispered making Todoroki and Mina laugh.

"Yes, struggles like classism and how it affects the people today." He explained while turning to write on the chalk board.

"That means this topic should be way enough for you, huh Ururaka?" Mina continued causing you guys to rock back and forth in laughter.

"So today's groups are..."

London and Paris? I wonder where the two of you are? My sisters? I hope the both of you haven't lived the life I have. You zone out, completely unaware of the looks Mina was throwing at you to get your attention.

"Ururaka and Bakugou, Sero and Mina, Celestine and Todoroki..."

Bakugou and who? You turn your eyes to see a smile painted on Ururakas face as she got up to make her way towards Bakugous table.

'Got me all the way fucked up.' You mutter to yourself as you watch as her eyes glaze over the sight of Bakugou. Deep down you knew that Bakugou wouldn't do anything stupid with Ururaka but still, that bitch is fucking sneaky.

"This assignment is something that you will be required to finish outside UA hours and results will contribute to your final end of term grade so do as you wish." Aizawa continued as he began handing out a print out of the assignment.

2:12 PM

"Baby." You whip your head around to face Bakugo as he ran up behind you and grabbed you from the back.

"Wassup Cheesestick." He rolls his eyes at your nickname for him before snaking your ass in the middle of the corridor making you yelp as your hands covered your ass.

"I'm coming over tonight. Shitty hit got a new game and I wanna beat your ass in it."  He wraps his arm around your waist as you both walked down the corridor. "Have you already forgotten your heavy loss at the arcade?" You roll your eyes as you both enter the cafeteria.

"Cee!" Denki rushed behind you and Bakugo as he hid behind your back. "What did you do?"

"I took the screws out of Iida's engines and now he's out to get me!" You watch as a big figure stiffly making his way towards you.

"Yikes. That sounds like a you problem bestie." You gently pat Denkis back as you begin walking towards your table that consisted of everyone.

You sit next to Mina and the two of you drift into your own conversation away from the table. "Is it just me or has Ururaka been moving a little... weird?" You search around the cafeteria until your eyes land on her.

"Mina, she has always been weird. But has her weirdness increased? yup." You take a sip of your juice while Mina starts tapping through her phone before flipping it around to show you.

"She been posting quotes about how she could take someone man all fucking week and I know you've noticed the love hearts she throws at Bakugo." Your eyes move as you read the tack twitter quote on her story.

"Mina it's fine. I trust Katsuki and I really don't have a problem laying out someone's daughter if she tries it."

"I know that of course but still keep an eye on her." Your eyes pierce the back of Ururakas head as you continue eating your food.

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