Chapter thirty

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Wow, thirty. :0

I had never gone so far.

Thank you for still reading this story. :)


The sun covers your face, you wake up and yawn. You look at the sleepy person that is hugging you, it's East Germany. EAST GERMANY?!

"Germany?" You ask him, surprised to see him here, like that, and hugging you.

He opens his eyes and turns completely red. He gets out of you. "S-Sorry Y/N, I-Ich didn't-"

"That's okay. Don't worry." "Why are you here, and where's your brother? Why aren't you fused again?" You ask, kinda lost.

He blinks. "You can see me?" He asks.

You look at him, confused. "Yeah? Am I not supposed to?"

He jumps on you and hugs you. 

"WOAW, kid. What is that for?" You giggle.

He ends the hug and gaze at you, he seems to be thinking. "That was faster than I tough." He murmurs, more for himself.

You look at him, suspicious. "May you explain me what you are talking about?" You ask him.

He sighs and enlaces you again, his arm wrapped around your trunk, his head on your chest.

"May be later, when my brother will come back."

"Okaaay. Um. This is weird. You know it, right?"

You end the hugs and stretch you arms, then body.

You sigh , calm and peaceful. You yawn. "So, what are we going to do? Were are we going like that?" You ask before hearing a gasp.

You turn your head and see Free France, hands on her mouth, looking at you with glassy eyes, at her sigh, there is West Germany. You  and Germany wave a 'hello' at each other. Your eyes fall on Free France, again.

You look at her confused. "What? " You laugh, a bit uncomfortable about her intense gaze in your eyes.

She comes to you, slowly. Then she runs to you and hugs you. "Oh, ma puce! Je croyais ne pouvoir jamais te revoir!" She affirms. (Oh my *affective French nickname* ! I think I will never be able to see you again!)

"Euh, France. Est ce que ça va?" I giggle. "On s'est vu hier, tu sais? Y'a pas de quoi pleurer." ("Um, France. Are you OK?"  " We saw each other yesterday, you know? No need to cry." )

Some minutes later, you are with F.France, East Germany, and West Germany. Still walking. They told you that you were going home.

"Um. F-France." I grab a bit her jacket.

She turns to me and saw my unsure expression. "Oui?" (=yes?)

"I...nothing..." I look back.

She kneels to me with a nice face, the one that can always comfort you. "Y/N what happened? You seem disturb, ma chérie."

I look at her. "Is UK gonna be mad at us for leaving the house?"

Never Ever Get Rid Of Me (countryhumans x f.reader) (part 1)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant