chapter twenty-five

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You've just woken up, you growl and wipe your eyes who are trying to adjust to the light.

It's the morning.

You stretched and go out of the bedroom. It is the morning.

You walk through the hallway, it is beautiful, the sun is lighting the red curtains which made everything red. The wood on the ground is beautiful,...

You see an opened door, it's the kitchen. You pop your head into it.

"Hello?" You said while entering. "Is someone here?"

You smell bacon and eggs.
You follow the smell and see America.

"Oh. Hi Ame! What's up?"

He turns to you and smile. "Hi (Y/N)! How are you?"

"I'm fine, thanks." You warmly smile.
He blushes a bit.
"What about you?" You ask.

He shakes his head. "I'm fine, I'm fine. Do you wanna eat?"

You nod. "Yeah! I'm so hungry."

He puts the bacon and the eggs he was cooking on a plate, some toast on it too, and puts the plate on a table. He shows you the chair to sit down.

You go to him and sit on the chair, he sits next to you.

"Thanks." You look at him. "You're not gonna eat?"

He makes a sign of no with his hand. "I've ever eaten, don't worry."

You look at the plate."It's seem so good. "

He blushes again."E-Eat it before it's cold. "

You giggle. "Okay." You start to eat the food.

'My gosh, he's good at cooking.'

You raise your head to him, he looks at you with worry.

"You're a good cooker, Ame. I didn't expect that of you." You laugh.

"Eh. You underestimate me kiddo." He smirks.


"What was that for?!" He laughs. "Next time, I'll cook you something else. You will love it."

Your eyes widen. "Really?"

He nods.

You smile. "Cool." You continue to eat.

After your eating, you take your dish and go to wash it. America stops you. "Let me do it for you." He says.

"That's alright, I can handle it myself." You respond.

"No way pal, you're the guest, I will do it for you. " He grabs the sponge from your hand and moves you back.

He positions himself in front of the dishes.

You move your way in front of him, take the sponge, and wash the dishes.

His face turns a bit redder, he gasps. You are against him, but don't care, it's your dishes! You were normally too lazy to do it in your world, but in this world, you won't let someone cook your food and wash everything while he has not eaten.

America is flustered. "Hey, that's not your role dude."
You raised your head to him. "Don't care."
You look the dishes and continue. "Wait. Did you just call me dude?" You laugh.

America sighs. "Yeah." He wraps his arms around yours.
He stops the water and grabs your wrists. You jump a bit. "Now, stop doing that." He calmly says.
He closes his face to your ear. "If my dad know what you are doing, I will have trouble."
"W-what the-?" You giggle. "You know that I can just ask him to blame me and not you."

Never Ever Get Rid Of Me (countryhumans x f.reader) (part 1)Where stories live. Discover now