chapter twenty-six

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It's 5:00 am, you are hungry, you want pancakes!

America is still asleep so you can't ask him to do ones.

You raised up out of your bed , then made your way to the kitchen and open the recipes' book.

You search the pancakes recipe.

"Aaaaand, Go it!"

You read it and take all the ingredients you need.

Today, you will be in charge of the breakfast! You are proud of what you can do. 😃

You take flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, salt, milk, butter, pure vanilla extract and an egg.

You prepare and start to bake the pancakes.

*insert little music*
*in your head*
*while cooking*

"Good morning, Love." Says UK with enthusiasm.

"AH!" You jump, your hand accidentally hurt the pan.

"Ah, fuck!" You say while keeping your hand away of this pan.

UK panicky. "Oh dear." He gently and quickly leads you to the sink, and turns on the faucet.
The water runs on your skin.

You close your eyes and turn your head away.

"I am terribly sorry, love." UK takes your other hand. "You can squeeze it if that helps for the pain."

You squeeze it a bit, then harder.

"Arh. Why did you do that?" You complain with pain.

UK looks at you, guilty in the eyes.

You open your eyes and put your arm off of the water. "I-I can't. "

UK put your arm under the water. "You have to." He says. "If you didn't do it, it will hurt more, darling. Do you really want that?"

You shook your head. "I don't think so." 

You giggle. "My arm smell bacon... I'm hungry... " 'wait a minute...'  "...THE PANCAKES!!!"

You turn your head, and see America continuing the pancakes.

"Hey kiddo. What's up?" He says like if everything here was normal.

"Where are you from?" You ask him with widened eyes.

"Ha! Better if you don't know."

You sigh.

"America, can you bring us the first aid kit?" Asks UK.

Never Ever Get Rid Of Me (countryhumans x f.reader) (part 1)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat