Lovers talk

353 23 3

3rd person POV:

The young prince swings around a different assortment of weapons in his normal form after playing around with them in the Hangman mode.

He's shown to the arcana his quick adaption and mastery of the weapons.

Joker and Geck who leaped onto the roof began discussing what exactly is happening for at the beginning Yn was horrible at nunchucks but after using the Hangman card, is a master at it.

Geck: This is quite abnormal... Haven't seen an heir capable of such a thing.

Joker: I know....(grins) It's exciting, isn't it?

Geck: Can't say it really is until I know why.

Geck: You alone made the Ruby crown, did you change something about the design?

Joker: The only difference is that it lacks a few safety features because you all interrupted me.

Joker: However, those shouldn't really cause these kinds of results.

Joker: It must have something to do with the lord himself...

He says as he watches Yn work up a sweat while training with a halbert.

Joker: Hmm...

Geck: Do you have any ideas?

Joker: If the prince had this kind of ability, he would be much more popular than he was when I gave him the Crown.

Geck: Maybe the crown has awakened something?

Joker: My thoughts exactly.

Joker: If only there was another Crown nearby that we can use to test to see if it's the Ruby crown specifically or any crown...

Geck: You'd have to convince him to switch crown, temporarily at least. His Majesty isn't in the mood to give away the Crown for as long as you need.

Joker: We'll you're in his party, so be a pal and talk with him for me.

Geck: How do you know I haven't switched sides?

Joker: Come on... You've realized how useless you'd be for the lord with the skill he has.

Joker: Besides, we have many more options we can consider.

Geck: Don't be too carefree... There are only six left.

Joker: And we only need two to tie.

Geck: If another tie occurs-

Joker: I have a good feeling we'll see something interesting.

Geck:... You're such a trouble maker.

Joker:(smiles) Me? Nooooooo~

(Opening theme)

On the couch, in cargo shorts and a tank top, Yn who had built up a sweat from playing around with all those weapons chugged down a sports drink.

Yn: Ah~


Yn:(mind) Sucks that I didn't get Geck on my side... Just got to work harder then...



Yn: What's the matter with you?

Scottie: When the hell did you get muscles? You used to be so skinny as a skeleton.

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