A flight-full trip

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3rd person POV:

In the resistance of the young prince, he and his friends were talking, whilst Joker re-watched all the prince's battles on his phone.

Scottie: Hey, can you make me a Duchess?

Yn: A Duchess? Why?

Scottie: I don't know, seem cool.

Yn: Uhh, Joker?

Joker: You have the ability, my lord. But I believe the other Duchesses would feel offended that a lady who owns no land gained such a title.

Yn: Sorry. I don't want to offend the other Duchesses.

Scottie: Tch...


Rose: So what do you plan on doing now?


Yn: Joker?

Joker: We are going to Poland.


Yn: Wh-what?

Joker: The current royal Castle current resides in Poland. It is also the location of your father's funeral where we shall make your debut.

Yn: My dads...

Scottie:... Poland is pretty freaking far! How are you going to get there?

Joker: By plane of course. I've already secured transport.

Scottie: And when are you two going?

Joker: We leave on the weekend.

Rose: What about school?

Yn: Is the American educational system really something I shouldn't miss?

Rose: Right... You're a prince, you can probably get yourself into any school in the world.

Scottie: But when will you come back?

Joker: Who knows? It completes depends on whether or not we survive.

Everyone: Eh?

Joker: Probably a week at most... Give or take a few days.

(Opening theme)

With his things packed, Yn and Joker took the bus and headed to the airport, where they would take their flight to Poland where the current Royal Castle stood.

Joker: Do not worry, my lord. Once we debut you, never again will you have to take the accursed public transportation again.

Joker: I swear it.

Yn:(chuckles) Sure Joker.

Yn: So how did you get us, this plane ride?

Joker: I made a call to one of my associates.

Yn: Associates? Do you mean another one of the Major Arcana?

Joker: Correct, My lord. Very good guess.

Joker: Yes, it was another one of the Major Arcana. Despite our current... Status...

Joker: They were happy to give us a ride once I spoke loudly enough so your sister heard me.

Yn: My sister is helping us?

Joker: Well... She believes she's helping me get to Poland so I can make my decision which is true despite her not realizing in what way.

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