Tell a friend: part 1

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3rd person POV:

(A week after the attack)

Late, alone at a basketball court, Greg played hard, as if he was a pro with his career on the line.

Greg:(breathing heavily)

He threw the ball but missed the hoop. So Greg ran up to the ball, grabbed it, bounced it to another hoop, threw it, but missed again.

Greg: Ugh!

Trying again, he failed. Doing it again, he failed. No matter the effort he put in, Greg was completely off his game after what happened last Friday.

To him, he was just chasing this punk that threw something at his head, until suddenly there was an explosion that went off in front of him.

From there, his consciousness faded in and out, but he could have sworn he saw some kind of monster.

Not wanting to think about it, he played basketball, but every time he missed, the memories just flooded back in.

When the authorities came, he told them what he saw but they didn't believe him, of course.

His friends saw it, but when they went to talk about it to an adult, they got yelled at for playing a prank that was wasting their time.

Another thing he remembered seeing was that punk fighting that monster and killing it.

But he couldn't believe that. Still, he saw what he saw and it was driving him mad.

He wasn't crazy, all he needed was proof of that, which was what he believed.

(Opening theme)

After a comparably boring day at school, Yn was now at the door to his house, where he opened the door to be greeted by Joker.

Joker: Welcome back, my lord. (bows)

Yn: Hey, Joker.

Joker: I've taken the courtesy of preparing a smoothy for you to refresh yourself.

Yn: Thanks.

Entering and closing the door behind him, Yn tossed his bag to the side, which Joker flame dashed to catch the bag before spinning it around his finger.

Yn: So what's on the agenda-



Joker: Expecting someone, my lord?

Yn: No... I forgot we even had a doorbell.

He was about to go check who it was until Joker stopped him.

Joker: Allow me, my lord. For all, we know it could be an assassin. Or these infamous "Girl Scouts" I've heard of.

Yn: Or Girl Scout assassins.

Joker: All the more reason why I should answer the door.


Yn:... Go ahead.

As he allowed him to answer the door, Yn went to have himself that smoothie Joker told him about, until he heard a noise at the door.

Girl: EEK!!


Yn: I was joking about the girl scout assassins!

Running to the entrance of the house, he saw Joker standing in the middle of the door looking confused at Rose who was on the ground outside.

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