Getting closer -Chapter 2-

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Nightmare's POV

I woke up to see that Dream has already left. The only time of the day I see Dream is when he comes back. We hardly talk anymore ever since Dream was able to go to different places. It's not like I can't do that, I just choose not too.
I look up at the sky and down at the village. No is awake. Good, I never liked them anyways. I sit up and lean against the tree. "I wonder if Ink will come by today".

Ink's POV

Error has attacked Dusttale. I quickly grabbed broomie and opened a portal. I came face to face with Error.
"Error" I spoke with rage filling my voice. I let rage fill me up whole. I never liked Error, and never will.
"GivE iT up INk! ThIS plACe iS UsELeSs!" Error yelled at me. "NO!" I protested. Then I fight started
Error threw his strings at me. I dodged them, however I failed to land. Error took his chance and leaped at me. I rolled and got up. Error stares at me for a brief second shot some bones at me, I gone to dodge again but this time I got hit my arm. "ArGh" it hurts but I slashed orange paint to get back at him. Error didn't have a second to dodge. The orange paint got on his chest. Error then started to scream in pain. "AHhhahahH! ScREW yOU aNd yOUR pAInT!!" He yelled. Error left because he was unable to fight back.
"Ah Ha! Another victory for me!" I opened a portal to Dreamtale so I can visit Nightmare.

Nightmare's POV

"Hey there" I looked up startled. "Oh no..." I spoke with fear in my words. A couple of villagers have come to beat me up today. I took a glance at their hands. They had rocks! I was scared.
Just then, I heard I voice yell, "HEY! LEAVE HIM ALONE!!" I looked up and saw Ink.
Ink ran towards the villagers at full charge, scaring them away. Ink looked down at me and smiled. He looked beaten up a little. "God Ink you look terrible" I stated.
"Your welcome" Ink replied. I laughed "Thank you Ink". Ink smiled and sat down.
I leaned on Ink's shoulder and hummed softly. "Hey, we both are beaten up. We match" Ink whispered to me.
I smile and chuckle a little. I was looking off into the distance losing track of my sense only for them to be brought by Ink who just had put his arm around me.
I looked at his arm and blushed. Ink didn't notice because he was too busy staring off to the distance. There was nice sweet silence. The silence I dreamed of, with no pain, with someone I trust and with someone I care for and I know they care for me back. Ink then pulled me on his lap and held me close.
God I am a blushing mess right now. A part of me wanted to look up at Ink's face but another part of me didn't want risking it and showing how lit-up my face is.
I lay my head onInk's chest, but mu soul dropped. I couldn't hear anything in Ink's chest. "Ink?" I spoke. "Hm? What is it?" Ink replied.
" I can't hear your soul, it's alarming me". There was worry in voice. All Ink did was chuckle, then he spoke, "Nighty, I don't have a soul. I ripped it to escape my unfinished home". I was in shock. "Unfinished?"
"My creator gave me up. So ripped my soul and got my self free" Ink cleared my question.
Ink sat me down on the ground and told me that he had to go. "Bye Ink".  "Bye Nighty"
God, why does he have to be like that. The way he called me Nighty and how he sat me in his lap. I think I gotten really close to him. I think I love him.

3rd POV

Ink gone and saw Nightmare every day after he was done his work. Nightmare enjoyed Ink's company and Ink enjoyed Nightmare's company.
The two grew very close and built a strong connection. Ink felt comfortable with telling Nightmare things he never told anyone and things he only told to Gin. Nightmare was able to tell Ink stuff that Dream never knew.
Nightmare healed fully because Ink would stop the villagers from doing further damage and threaten them. Although they did threaten Nightmare and kept there distance, they watched Ink and him during the day, but never the night.
Soon enough Ink fell for Nightmare, but didn't want to confess.

(A/N: hey peeps, I know in Ink's backstory that Ink does not remember his actions of ripping his soul apart, but this is not really canon it's more fannon. Yes you probably already know that but I just wanted to point it out)

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