
Start from the beginning

“If you ever do that again, I’m divorcing you and I’m taking everything,” He whispered, voice wavering.

“Seeing as you live in my apartment, the only thing you’d be taking is your clothes,” She hummed, her lips spreading into a grin against his own. His large hands cupped her face as he stared at her. She knew he was using his Six Eyes on her.

“Fuck,” He whispered, voice breaking. “You scared me, Y/n. Don’t ever do that again, you stupid bitch.”

“Noted, you dick.”

“Sorry to interrupt the lovely reunion between husband and wife,” Sho said, the black-haired man standing up, his foot in the middle of his father’s back. He had tied Haruno up with some of the rope. “But we need to leave. Now.”

“The place is surrounded by the Task Force,” Y/n said, pushing off the wall. She grabbed the katana from the ground and replaced it in the sheath at her side. “All of you get outside and get medical treatment.”

“What are you doing?” Sho asked. Y/n grabbed the rope and yanked Haruno onto his knees, placing her boot under his chin.

“I think I’m gonna have some quality time with my old man,” She hummed, her eye shifting colors.

“W-W-Wait, S-Sensei--”

“I’ll catch up in a minute,” Y/n cut Kugisaki off. “Get them out of here.”

“W-Wait!” Itadori cried. Sho grabbed him and practically tossed him over his shoulder before carrying him out of the room.

“Yuuji, enough,” Sho said. “I know that look in my sister’s eye.”

“She’s gonna kill him, isn’t she?” Fushiguro asked, his hand hovering over Kugisaki’s back as he watched her stumble.

“Do you blame her?” Kugisaki winced.

“I’d probably do the same,” He mumbled.

“S-Sensei…” Itadori whispered with wide eyes.

“You should go too, Satoru,” She said, turning her gaze to him. Gojo crossed his arms over his chest and leaned against the now-closed door. She sighed. He wasn’t going anywhere. “Alright.”

Turning back to her father, the h/c looked down at him with hatred. Crouching over his, she rested her arms on her knees as she examined his face. Her eyes scanned over his face.

“For someone who’s looking at their own daughter, you could at least try to hide the disgust on your face,” She said, shaking her head. “Fuckin’ bastard.”

“W-What would your mother think of this?” He whispered, a pathetic attempt to throw her off. However, it failed.

“I dunno,” Y/n replied, wiping the corner of her eye with a yawn. “She’s dead. So, I guess we’ll never know for certain. Though, I do think she’d be happy she didn’t have to see you anymore. What do you think, Satoru?”

“She’d be happy, I think,” The male replied. “She’d be glad she didn’t have to worry about you anymore.”

“You know, I did plan on torturing you,” Y/n admitted, drumming her fingers on her knees. “But now that I think more about it, I think I’ll just do something quick. After all, I’m not interested in you. My priorities right now are making sure my husbands, brother, and my kids are alright. You’re just….on my task list.”

“Y-You’re fucking i-insane,” Haruno cried, thrashing under her, but stopped when a snake wrapped around his neck.

“You made it this way. This was all your fault. And I hope you find a nice seat in hell,”

Standing, she stepped over him, snapping her fingers. Instantly, his body was swarmed with hundreds of serpents, and his screams filled the air. Gojo opened the door, allowing Y/n to walk out first. He glanced behind him, flicking his fingers, making Haruno scream more before closing the door behind him.

“Is it true?” She asked, walking down the hall.

“It depends on what you’re talking about,” He replied. She stopped, turning to face him in the narrow hallway.

“What’s been said about Yuuji, about Nobara and Megumi,” She said. Gojo sighed, placing a hand on the dip of her waist.

“What did you expect, Y/n?” He whispered. “You got so close with them, and then left them in a state of weakness and fear and confusion. They’re just kids. They didn’t know what to do.”

Y/n looked away. She turned and began briskly walking down the hall. Gojo chased after her, grabbing her wrist, and pushed her against the wall.

“Hey, just take a breather,” He said. She pushed his hands away.

“Satoru, I love you, but I need to make this right.”

“What are you going to do, Y/n? Snap your fingers and fix everything? There’s nothing you can do. The damage has been dealt,” He said. “Nothing you can do can save what’s been lost.”

“Maybe not but I can damn well try!” She snapped. “I was an idiot, I know. I was scared. And so are they. I wasn’t thinking about you, or them, or my family; I thought everything would be better if I was gone--but I see I was wrong, so horribly wrong. So let me do what I couldn’t before!”

“And what’s that, Y/n?” He whispered, his hand cupping the left side of her face. She jumped a little before grabbing his hands tightly.

“What I was never given…” She said.


➪𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐞

𝚒 𝚌𝚊𝚗𝚝 𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚕𝚎 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚎 ➪𝚜. 𝚐𝚘𝚓𝚘 𝚡 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 | 𝙱𝙾𝙾𝙺 2Where stories live. Discover now