Part Nine

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(Spanish is google translated)

The next day, Mexico woke up alone, wrapped in his mother's quilt. He looked around in confusion.

"Amy?" Mexico said, looking around but seeing no sign of the prince. "Amy!" Mexico called, getting no response. Mexico immediately jumped to his feet and started frantically looking around. Both America and the horse were gone. Mexico began running.

"AMY! Don't leave me!" Mexico called. "Amy!" Mexico yelled louder.

"Mex?" He heard America call from the distance.

"AMY!" Mexico exclaimed, running to the source. He found the prince next to a freshwater pond next to a drinking horse. Mexico ran to America and threw his arms around him.

"Mex! What's wrong?" America exclaimed.

"I thought you left me! I-I.... I can't lose you Amy... you're my only friend," Mexico cried. America held tightly onto Mexico, sitting down and holding him like a small child.

"I'll never leave you... I promise," America said. Mexico tried to dry his tears, looking up and meeting the princes gaze. The two stared into each other's eyes, holding each other in a caring embrace. Mexico realized the prince was bringing his face closer to Mexico's.

"A-Amy... we should... we should go look for food," Mexico said. America nodded silently, and hesitantly let Mexico go. The two got on the horse, and started slowly riding through the forest. Mexico was holding tightly onto America, his arms wrapped around the princes waist. Mexico couldn't quite place it, but he felt this strange feeling every time the prince held him close, and his heart would pound when he saw America's innocent smile. Soon, they happened upon another village, one that looked oddly familiar to Mexico....

"Spain.....," Mexico said in realization.

"Hm?" America said.

"Amy..... Spain! I'm home!" Mexico exclaimed. America smiled.

"We must go see the prince! If he remembers you, you can be royalty again!" America exclaimed.

"I-I... no, I don't think so...," Mexico said.

"Why not?" America asked.

"Y-you know... being a 'savage'," Mexico said. America sighed.

"Oh yeah... hopefully they will be sensible," America said, grimacing at the fact that anyone would call his friend a 'savage'. The two left the horse at a stable and made their way to the palace. Before they could go in, they were stopped by guardsmen.

"Quién eres tú?" One guard said roughly.

"El príncipe America y su sirviente, señor," Mexico said.

"Qué estás haciendo aquí?" The guard asked.

"Estamos aquí para conocer al príncipe," Mexico said. The guard nodded and opened the door for them. America held tightly onto Mexico's hand and walked through the palace with him. Suddenly, Prince Spain walked into the hall they were in.

"Prince America? Why are you here? Where is your father?" Spain asked. America smiled.

"Well... I'm actually here for my friend. Remember your son Mexico?" America asked. Spain froze.

"Mexico?" Spain said, his voice shaking. Mexico smiled.

"It's me...," Mexico said. Spain fell to his knees in front of Mexico, the two sharing a tight hug. America watched with a big smile.

"M-Mexico.... oh my goodness... I haven't seen you since you were a baby.... look at you... oh my goodness...," Spain cried. The two let go of the hug and looked up at each other.

"Dad? Will.... will Spanish Empire let me stay with you?" Mexico asked, fearing this would be the last time he sees his father. Spain smiled.

"Oh mijo... he's... he's dead," Spanish Empire said.

"W-wait.... really?" Mexico asked. Spain nodded.

"He died last year.... I had my knights go look for you..... but you were already gone," Spain said. Mexico hugged his father once more.

"S-so.... I can stay with you?" Mexico asked.

"Of course, my son....," Spain said. America was watching, happy for Mexico, but sad that he had to leave.

"Mex.... write to me all the time.... ok?" America asked. Mexico smiled sadly.

"Of course, Amy," Mexico said.

(So, next chapter is the last chapter

Ik this story was kinda short

But this was my first story, so I wanted something light.

I'll probably write more stories (and a LOT more Mexame) when I can

But thanks for all the support I've gotten on this story so far! :>

Stay tuned for the last chapter!)

The Whipping Boy (countryhumans MexAme)Where stories live. Discover now