Part Six

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The next morning, Mexico gently pushed America's shoulder, trying to wake him up.

"NotnowNada....," the prince mumbled sleepily.

"Amy?" Mexico said. America yawned and opened his eyes. He looked up at Mexico and rubbed his eyes.

"Mex... good morning," America said. Mexico smiled. Something about the princes soft, innocent voice made him feel comforted. It was a nice change from the gruff, almost intelligible voices of his masters.

"We must keep moving Amy, your highness, I've a feeling we're close to a kingdom," Mexico said. He knew that Britain's palace couldn't be too far away, but he was hesitant to go there. He wondered if he could take the prince to a kingdom close by, and then hide, leaving the prince to be found by the royal guard. America smiled at Mexico.

"Good! Let's go right now!" America exclaimed. The two started walking, but Mexico felt weak. His body was heavy, and he couldn't stop yawning. The prince noticed this, and stopped.

"Mexico, is everything ok?" America asked. Mexico yawned once more.

"Yes your highness just... tired...," Mexico said. America smiled sadly, before turning around and leaning over a bit.

"Go ahead and get on my back, I can carry you," America said.

"O-oh, I'm ok your highness you don't need to worry-,"

"I insist," America said. Hesitantly, Mexico obliged.

"I'm sorry Amy...," Mexico said.

"Don't apologize, you stayed up all night just for me," America said. Mexico sighed. He enjoyed the princes kindness, but it only made Mexico feel more guilty for leading him astray. Was he being selfish?

"A-Amy... you're a lot kinder than Ireland made you out to be," Mexico said. America smiled.

"Oh... I suppose Ireland sees the worst of me... it's just... I know my grandfather, and I know the history books have got him all wrong. He's not some holy figure... he's nothing but a mean old man," America said. Mexico was surprised. He never heard someone with power speaking poorly of another powerful man.

"Really... may I ask... what makes you hate him so?" Mexico asked. America sighed.

"Oh, I could go on for ages... he hurts everyone who mildly inconveniences him... he's rude, he's uneducated yet proper... he's a liar and a cheater... but, I'm just a small boy, what can I do?" America said. Mexico smiled, relieved the prince agreed with him.

"... maybe you and I aren't so different," Mexico wondered out loud. America smiled.


Eventually, the duo made it to a village. It was cloudy and dark, and many people had frowns on their faces. Most people were more concerned with their business to care about the two scruffed up teens walking through the street. Suddenly, while walking, America bumped into a tall man. When the man looked down, he smiled in surprise.

"America! My dear, what are you doing so far from home? Your father must be worried about you!" Russian Empire exclaimed. America smiled, but clutched onto Mexico's hand.

"Me and my friend got lost Sir... do you think you can help us get back home?" America asked. Mexico held his breath. He knew he needed to get away, but he knew if he ran away now America would go looking for him. RE looked over at Mexico as if just realizing he was there.

"Ah yes, you two, follow me, I'm sure you both are hungry after the journey here," RE said. America smiled.

"Thank you, sir," America said. They made it to the palace, and RE gently grasped Americas hand.

"Why, your clothes are all ripped up! Come with me, I'll get you some fresh clothes," RE said. The two left, America glancing back at Mexico worriedly. Mexico wasn't sure what to do with himself, so he did what he knew to do; stand in the corner like a piece of furniture. Suddenly, a young boy approached him.

"Привет? Ты здесь новенький?" The boy asked.

"U-um... sorry, say that again?" Mexico said. The young boy nodded in realization,

"You must be new then... my name is Soviet, I'm assuming you're a new servant?" Soviet asked.

"Oh, no, Umm.. I... I'm Prince America's property I'm just waiting for him to come back...," Mexico said.

"Ah, Prince America? The way my father speaks of him, I always assumed he was a young woman... no matter, I'll leave you be," Soviet said, walking away. Mexico just silently nodded, before continuing his patient wait. Soon, America and RE returned, America in a tight-fitting blouse with a blue vest over it. Mexico felt his heartbeat spike when he saw the prince. RE definitely chose the most alluring outfit he could for the prince.

"RE invited us to stay for dinner! I hope that is ok with you?" America asked. Mexico smiled awkwardly.

"Of course, whatever you want, your highness," Mexico said. America smiled, and together they were escorted to the dining hall. Mexico was granted a seat at the table, something rare for him. Next to him was Soviet, and across from him was America. As Mexico ate he noticed how hard it was for him to act as proper as the royals around him. while he did know there was etiquette to eating, he wasn't sure why there were so many spoons and forks and why it was apparently improper to use the wrong ones for the wrong things. Luckily, he found that nobody payed too much attention to him using the wrong utensils, for RE was more focused on America, and Soviet his food.

"So dear, how's the food?" RE asked.

"Good, thank you... my drink tastes funny...," America said. Mexico noticed that America's 'water' seemed a bit discolored for what it was supposed to be. RE simply shrugged.

"Oh, it's just water... I assure you. You should finish it, hydration is important," RE said. America nodded, taking another sip of his drink. RE smiled, and Mexico worriedly stared at America's glass. That night, while leaving the dining hall, America stumbled to his knees.

"Amy!" Mexico exclaimed, rushing to his side. RE picked him up.

"Poor thing, must be tired... you two may stay in the palace tonight, I'll get you a carriage back home tomorrow... Soviet, please escort Mexico to his room," RE said. Soviet nodded.

"Yes father," Soviet said. Soviet lead Mexico down a hallway, and then into a library. "Mexico... listen very closely. I want you to stay here until you hear breaking glass. Once you hear that, go down the hall and into the first room on the left. If you find America there, run out of the palace and seek refuge somewhere else..... I don't trust that my father is up to any good," Soviet said. Mexico silently nodded. Soviet left the library, and a few moments later he heard breaking glass. Mexico ran out of the library and down the hall. He could hear the Czars voice echoing.

"Soviet, why did you do this?!"

"It was on accident father...,"

"Explain to me, or else!"

Mexico found what appeared to be the kings room. He snuck in and saw America lying on the bed, half unconscious with his shirt and vest unbuttoned. Mexico felt his heart spike once more, but he couldn't focus on that. He shook America awake and picked him up.

"Amy, we have to leave," Mexico said. America groaned sleepily and nuzzled his face onto Mexico's shoulder. Mexico carried the drunken prince through the palace halls, and quietly searched for an exit. Mexico found an exit through the kitchen and ran for it. There, he saw a cart full of cloth and hay. Mexico crawled onto it, hugging America close and covering both of them with a piece of cloth. Mexico was shivering, holding tightly onto his mother's quilt for warmth. America, falling asleep, cuddled up next to Mexico, shivering. Mexico felt his face grow warm as he cuddled close to the prince for warmth. With that, he drifted off to sleep.

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