Part One

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Mexico was sitting in a carriage, staring blankly at the small quilt in his lap. The beautiful patterns and vibrant colors calmed the young boy, for the quilt was the only thing he owned of his mothers. Aztec had been executed right after Mexico was born. Spain and Aztec were secretly in love, and Spanish Empire was furious when he found out. Mexico heard the slave dealer approach the carriage, and Mexico held his breath.

"Follow me, I got you a buyer," the man spoke as if he was speaking to an animal. Mexico got off the carriage and followed the man through the village. They approached a young man. "This is the kid. A bit small, but an obedient boy,". The man nodded and inspected Mexico like a piece of furniture.

"I'll take him," The man said. The two exchanged money for the living child, and the man escorted Mexico to a ship.

"My name is Ireland, I'll be your 'caretaker' of sorts," Ireland said. Mexico remained silent. He didn't know much English, and he figured he'd just get hurt if he spoke. "Hm? Ah, you must be one of Spanish Empires boys. No worries, I'll have you speaking English in no time," Ireland said. Mexico nodded, although not exactly sure of what he was agreeing to.

The next year was just that; Ireland, an indentured servant to King British Empire, teaching Mexico to speak and read English along with teaching the princes son America. Mexico never really saw or know the young prince, but would occasionally bump into him in the palace. He had long hair held in a tight ponytail, and he paraded around with a nonchalant and carefree nature. Mexico often heard Ireland complain of the young prince, but he knew he couldn't lay a finger on the boy, lest he wanted to face a grave punishment. One day, Ireland approached Mexico with a somber expression.

"Mexico, his royal highness has been acting extremely... uncooperative as of late.... I've decided you.... you must act as his whipping boy," Ireland said. Mexico looked at Ireland with a lost expression. "When the prince acts up, I'm afraid I'll... you'll receive a punishment to show him his mistakes... I trust you understand?"

"Yes sir," Mexico said dryly. He didn't care, he was whipped for everything. Ireland nodded.

"V-very well...," Ireland said. Mexico didn't like the pity in Ireland's eyes. He knew if Ireland truly cared he would have done everything he could to make sure he stayed safe. Mexico just remained silent and went to do his chores.

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