Part Two

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Mexico walked silently next to Ireland into the study room. There, he sat silently next to the prince; a young teen boy, not too much older than himself.

"Your highness, due to your poor cooperation, I'm afraid I had to get a whipping boy," Ireland said. America glanced at Mexico, and then back up at Ireland.

"I don't feel the need for one sir, surely you can take it back?" America asked. Mexico grimaced. 'It'.

"I'm sorry your highness, but it is what it is," Ireland said. America glanced at Mexico once more before proceeding with his lessons.

"... and the mighty Great Britain-,"

"Stop calling him that," America spat.

"Your highness please, I'm just reading off of the text-,"

"I said, don't call him that," America said.

"America, calm yourself," Ireland warned. America stood up.

"Britain is my father. That other man you're referring to is the king. Don't refer to the king with my fathers name," America spat. Mexico wanted to sigh. He didn't know why this small thing was such a big deal to the prince. Ireland sighed.

"Enough. Mexico?" Ireland said. Mexico sighed and stood up. Ireland held up a stick, and hit Mexico's back repeatedly. Mexico held his breath. He refused to cry for the princes expense. America looked on with an intense, unreadable expression. When it was done, Mexico sat back down, and they continued with the lesson. For weeks, it was the same. The prince tried his best to stay reserved, but he would lash out on occasion out of anger. Mexico always received punishment. One day, while walking out of the lesson, America grabbed Mexico's arm and began leading him away. Mexico knew better than to question royalty, so he let the prince drag him along. Eventually, they made it to a small vacant room in the palace.

"Mexico, right?" America said. Mexico bowed his head.

"Correct, your highness," Mexico said.

"Eh, call me Amy," America said. Mexico kept his head down. Is this some sort of trick?

"My apologies your highness, I've not the authority to call you that," Mexico said with as much respect he could fake. America took Mexico's hand, which shocked the boy into looking up.

"Why must you suffer, for all the wrong I do?" America asked. Mexico had never heard someone with power ask him that before. Mexico admittedly didn't know, but he figured it was because he was a 'savage' and America was royalty.

"It is what it is, your highness, now leave me be," Mexico said, growing annoyed of the prince.

"You've a strong will, Mexico, and I, an adventurous soul. Let's run away together," America said. The prince had never met a boy his age before, and the prospect of having a friend was exciting to him. However, Mexico wasn't too enthused.

"Together?" Mexico asked. America smiled.

"Forever and always," America said. Mexico hated the word 'always'. It was such a false hope. He knew his only 'always' would be servitude and slavery.

"I apologize your highness, but not without the permission from my master," Mexico said, walking away.

"Wait!" America exclaimed, but Mexico started running. He winced, knowing that this willful denial of a direct order will be cause for punishment, however he kept running. Suddenly, he bumped into someone.

"Whats This?" The man he bumped into spat. Mexico looked up at him, and his heart stopped.

"Y-your majesty...," Mexico stuttered. Mexico saw the king raise his hand to strike him for his wrongdoing. He closed his eyes.

"Grandfather, please! Wait!" America exclaimed. British Empire looked distastefully over at the prince.

"What do you want?" British empire spat.

"Don't hit him! It was... it was my fault. I... forced him to play tag with me," America lied. British empire shifted his focus from Mexico to America.

"I thought I told you to learn your place. You have no business running around with savages," British Empire spat. America grimaced.

"He's not a savage!" America exclaimed. In response, the king backhanded the prince, sending him to the ground.

"I thought you would have learnt your place by now... it's pitiful," British Empire said, before walking away. Mexico was frozen. He wanted to go back to Ireland, but he also didn't want to leave the prince, not after hearing him say the words he's never heard together before;

He's not a savage

Before Mexico could make up his mind, a young boy rushed over to America and helped him. Mexico recognized this boy as Canada, the second oldest son of prince Britain. Mexico silently walked back to the servants chambers, and to Ireland's room. There, he decided to call it a day.

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