Part Seven

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"Mex? Are you awake?" Mexico heard America ask, feeling a gentle touch on his cheek. America was gently poking Mexico's face, waiting for him to wake up.

"Mr. Prussia made breakfast, hurry, you should eat," America said. Mexico got up and stretched, observing the room. They appeared to be in a small, one room cottage. America walked out of the cottage, Mexico following him, until something caught his eye. A shiny pendant was lying on a nearby table. Mexico picked it up and put it in his pocket, just in case it was America's and he forgot about it. America lead Mexico outside and through a palace kitchen, until eventually they made it to a smaller dining room. There, a Young boy and an older man sat at the table. Mexico was frightened by the man, but America seemed happy.

"Hello America, I see your boy is up," the man, Prussia said.

"His name is Mexico... so, you think you can take us back home?" America asked. Prussia nodded, staring at Mexico intently. They sat down at the table and ate the breakfast Prussia served, but Mexico was unnerved by Prussia sizing him up.

"Say, America... my son needs a servant, how much for the boy?" Prussia asked, motioning at the young boy, who was just eating and paying little mind to anything else. America seemed confused, and Mexico felt his heart drop.

"Oh... um... I'm afraid he's not for sale," America said, making Mexico wince.

"Are you sure? How much is he worth, I'm sure I have the money-,"

"He's not for sale sir. He's not a possession of mine," America said.

"So... may I take him for free?" Prussia asked.

"No! You can't, he- you-... mex, come with me, we'll find help elsewhere. Thank you for your hospitality Mr. Prussia," America said.

"America, I apologize. You shouldn't go off on your own, it's dangerous," Prussia said.

"I'm fine sir... goodbye," America said, grabbing Mexico's arm and leading him outside. Once outside, Mexico pulled his arm away.

"Amy, am I an object to you? Just a 'thing'?" Mexico asked.

"No, Mexico, I just... Ugh.... it's hard to tell someone your best friend isn't something they can buy...," America said.

"'Best friend'?" Mexico asked.

"Well... yes? You're the first friend I've ever had," America said. Mexico wanted to be happy to hear that, but he faltered.

"Amy... if I weren't your friend.... would I just be an object to you? Just something to boss around?" Mexico asked.

"Mex... I... I...," America started, unsure of how to respond. Mexico crossed his arms and looked away.

"Never mind... let's go, maybe we'll find someone who'll help us," Mexico said. And, they continued walking. America trailing behind Mexico.

Suddenly, Mexico heard America scream. Mexico was about to turn around, but a sharp pain on the back of his head knocked him out.

The boys woke up in an underground den. Mexico saw three men standing in front of them with crossed arms.

"They're awake... you're sure we have the prince?" One said.

"Yeah, he had the royal families crest in his pocket," another said, holding up the engraved pendant Mexico had picked up earlier.

"Just think of the money we'll get...the king will see us as heroes," the third man said. America grimaced, knowing full well his grandfather didn't care about his absence.

"Let us go!" Mexico exclaimed, recognizing these men to be of similar status to him.

"Shut it Your highness, now, to get you back to Britain...," the first man snapped at Mexico. Mexico and America glanced at each other, recognizing the men had made a mixup. One man grabbed Mexico and sat him down in a chair.

"You keep your hands off of me!" Mexico exclaimed, pushing the man away. The three men grimaced at the young boy.

"You've got quite an attitude...," one said, looking over at America. "Is that your whipping boy?" The man said, taking off his belt.

"NO! DONT DO IT!" Mexico shouted. The man disregarded this and began hitting America. Mexico noticed that America had the same expression Mexico did when he attempted to not cry. Mexico jumped out of his seat and clung onto America, but to his surprise, America pushed him away. Mexico fell back and bumped into a lantern, the flame within it catching one of the mens shirts on fire. He screamed and tried to put it out, distracting the other two. Mexico jumped to his feet and grabbed America, running to the exit and out of the underground den. The two boys ran into the forest, hearing the men's shouts for them to stop. Once they could no longer hear the men, they stopped to catch their breath. Mexico pushed America.

"why did you push me away!? They were hurting you! Why didn't you let me help?" Mexico exclaimed angrily.

"Mex... you go through it all the time... it was my turn," America said. Mexico's anger melted to confused surprise.

"Amy...," Mexico said, confused why America would even consider letting himself get hurt in Mexico's expense.

"Mex... I promise you, you are so much more than what people say you are. They may call you a savage, and they may call me a royal.... but were no different from each other. You know this, don't you?" America asked. Mexico looked down.

"Well yeah, but...," Mexico said.

"But what?" America asked.

"I..... I don't know.... just because it's true doesn't mean.... people will accept it...," Mexico said. America sighed.

"I...I know....," America said. The two were silent for a moment. "Mexico?" America said, taking Mexico's hand.

"Y-yes Amy?" Mexico asked. America smiled.

"I don't want to go home anymore.... let's run away.... together," America said. Mexico smiled.


"Forever and always,"

The Whipping Boy (countryhumans MexAme)Where stories live. Discover now