Part Eight

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(French is google translated)

Mexico and America walked through the forest, talking and laughing about people they've met and places they've seen.

"What's Spain like? The kingdom, not the prince," America said. Mexico smiled.

"It's pretty there... I didn't get to see much... but the music I heard all the time was beautiful...," Mexico said.

"You love music too Huh? My brother Canada always played piano for me and my siblings... Australia loved singing along...," America said. Mexico smiled sadly, knowing the prince was already growing homesick. The two kept walking, until eventually they happened upon a village.

"Should we go in?" Mexico asked.

"What if someone tries to send us back to my grandfathers kingdom?" America asked. Mexico looked up at the dark sky.

"We should at least find a place to rest," Mexico said. The two walked through the village, knocking on doors. Many people didn't answer. Eventually, they were let in by a nice young lady. They stayed in a small two bedroom house that night, America and Mexico having to share a bed. Mexico couldn't sleep, so he just held America close and listened to his faint snores. In the other room, Mexico could hear a faint whisper of a conversation.

"Tu dois la recontrer à l'entrée du palais demain matin," Mexico heard the woman say to her husband.

"Bien sûr ma chère," The man said gently. Mexico wasn't quite sure what they said, but the woman's voice sounded urgent. Eventually, Mexico was able to drift off to sleep.

The next morning, Mexico and America walked through the village together. They noticed an abundance of people gathering around in small groups, almost as if they were planning something. Suddenly, America bumped into a tall woman in a military outfit.

"America!" France Exclaimed.

"Mother?" America exclaimed. France looked around frantically at the angry peasants, and then back at America, who was dressed in regal, lavish clothing.

"Follow me," France said, dragging them along. She led them to a horse drawn carriage. "Nobles.... they were trying to retreat...," France muttered. She picked America up and hugged him close.

"Mother... w-wait...," America said, not wanting to leave.

"America, listen close. You need to get out of here as fast as you can... don't stop for anyone, do you understand?" France said.

"Mother... what's wrong?" America asked. Angry peasants cries rang out from a distance, the smell of smoke and fire penetrating the air.

"It's not safe here for a prince.... do you know how to drive a carriage?" France asked.

"I do," Mexico said. France nodded.

"I hope to see you again someday... my son...," France said softly, before kissing America on the head. America and Mexico got in the carriage and drove as fast as they could away from the kingdom. They saw multiple other carriages holding Nobel women and men, and they watched as many of them were ambushed.

"Your highness! Duck!" Mexico exclaimed, upon seeing peasants chuck rocks at carriages. Suddenly, a horse jumped out in front of them. Panicked, Mexico veered to the left, but his horse stumbled as its hoof stepped off the edge of a cliff. The carriage fell off the ledge, and they fell down into the lake bellow.

"Mexico..... please wake up.......," Mexico heard the prince cry. Mexico woke up in the princes arms.

"A-Amy....," Mexico stuttered hoarsely. America hugged Mexico close.

"I thought you left me...," America said. Mexico hugged the prince.

"I'm ok... wait..." Mexico looked around. "My quilt... where is it?!" Mexico said frantically. He pushed himself out of America's arms and jumped into the lake, America shouting at him to come back. Mexico swam down, and saw his quilt caught on a sunken tree branch. Mexico grabbed it and pulled it off the branch, but he felt something snag onto his leg. His pant leg was caught on the tree branch. Mexico kept pulling, but he couldn't free himself. Suddenly, he felt arms wrap around him. America pulled Mexico away from the branch and to the surface.


"ITS NOT STUPID! YOU DONT GET IT!" Mexico screamed. Mexico stormed off and sat next to the carriage wreckage, and America curled up next to the resting horse. The two silently ignored each other the rest of the day, just doing small things like skipping stones and stacking rocks to pass time. Eventually, the day turned dark, and America was shivering on the ground, trying to sleep. Mexico saw this from a distance and sighed.

You can't let him freeze after he saved your life....

Mexico walked over to the prince and covered him in the quilt, before turning to walk away. However, America grabbed onto his shirtsleeve and pulled him to the ground next to him. America wrapped both of them in the quilt, and Hugged Mexico close to his chest.

"I'm sorry mex.... I really am.....," America said softly. Mexico felt an almost euphoric feeling as he cuddled into the princes arms.

"This quilt is the only thing I have that belonged to my mother....," Mexico said.

"Oh... I..... I'm so sorry.... if only I'd known....," America said.

"It's ok... I understand," Mexico said. Finally at peace, the prince and his whipping boy held each other close, and slowly they drifted off to sleep.

The Whipping Boy (countryhumans MexAme)Where stories live. Discover now