Chapter 31

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The night after they got their babies back safely, Hope just couldn't contain herself and couldn't keep her hands off Landon. He happily complied. They made love all night and it was beautiful and perfect. The next morning they woke in each other's embrace. They didn't sleep much but they didn't mind at all. Both of them were happy and excited about Hope's pregnancy.

"I love you." Landon woke her with a kiss to her forehead as he held her tight against his own naked body.

"I love you too." She said sleepily stroking his chest as she held him.

That's how they woke up that morning and that's how they were planning to wake up every single day for the rest of their immortal lives.

It was a couple months later and Hope already had a little baby bump. Landon loved the sight of a pregnant Hope. He treated her as a queen she was. But he was strangely distant for a couple of days or so, and Hope started to worry. Landon took a job in a local public school. Not that they needed the money, but Landon loved his job and Hope was happy if he was happy, and Hope had her job too. She wasn't going to leave the city, and the supernatural community needed her, and she was determined to keep the peace in New Orleans. So Hope, wasn't mad about Landon's job, but the last few days he came home late at night and rarely picked up Hope's calls during the day. She started to question herself, maybe Landon hated seeing her growing bigger. On the third day when she called and he didn't pick up just texted her that he'll see her later that day, Hope was determined to confront him. She was getting really pissed.

Hope called Lizzie on the verge of crying to tell her Landon's unsettling behavior. Lizzie decided to go over and calm Hope in person. A while ago Lizzie and MG decided to move to New Orleans. MG's music business went well in LA, but he could manage it from NOLA as well and to be honest the people around him kept questioning his age since he was there for years and looked to be a teenager so they decided it was better to work unseen. Hope was thrilled to have her best friend around.

"I don't know what's going on. It started a couple days ago. Maybe he's disgusted of my fatass body." Hope cried to Lizzie, as they sat in Hope's living room.

"Nonsense, Hope! You look gorgeous, and he clearly loves you. He'd love you in any form and shape. Don't ever talk about yourself like that again. Okay?" Lizzie stated firmly.

"Then I don't get it. I will yell his head off when he comes home tonight for sure." Hope folded her arms with anger.

"Okay Hope, calm down. How about we go out tonight? Girls night?" She suggested with a smirk.

"I don't know Liz... it's not like I can drink..." Hope shrugged.

"Oh, come on. You can drink blood. And imagine Landon's face when you won't be home tonight..." Lizzie tried to convince her.

"Fine. I need a distraction anyway." Hope said giving in and Lizzie had the biggest smile on her face.

Lizzie stayed at Hope's until the evening. They cooked dinner together, even Scarlett helped, then the three of them had dinner. Later Lizzie picked out Hope's clothing for the night. She picked a very tight and somewhat revealing black dress for her.

"No way! I'm not trying to hook up with anyone." Hope firmly stated as she saw the dress in Lizzie's hand.

"Come on, try it on." She bagged.

"No! I'm pregnant Lizzie! That thing is too tight."

"It will stretch around your curves Hope. You'll look gorgeous in this. Just try it on with these." She handed her some jewelry and a pair of black high heels. Hope gave in with an eye roll and tried on the dress.

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