Chapter 10

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The next morning came too fast. Hope had a peaceful night in Landon's embrace. He woke up early in the morning, he needed to go back to his place to change before leaving for school. He gave a long passionate kiss to Hope before leaving, Hope making him promise to return that night.

After Landon left, Hope showered and got dressed in jeans and a V-neck top with a leather jacket, ready for the day. She grabbed a blood bag from the kitchen. She was pretty starved out in the past couple of days but didn't feel like drinking blood in front of Landon and she had a good distraction anyways.

She texted Scarlett and called her before her school supposedly started. Hope wasn't surprised that she didn't answer. It was full moon that day, so she planned to go to see the wolves. It was a good excuse to see Scarlett. She was planning to go in the afternoon after her school was supposed to end for the day.

Then she remembered Josie and the promise that she would help her. She found the business card Josie gave her and noticed that she was headmistress of the Salvatore School. She thought it really suited her. Hope wondered what happened to Alaric and Caroline. She hoped they were ok. She texted Josie and gave her, her own address. She was curious what she wanted so she texted that she was expected that morning. Hope had some time until her plans later.

In about an hour Hope's phone was ringing.

"Hello?" Hope answered.

"Hi, it's Josie. I'm at the place you texted me. I suspect a boundary spell is on the building." Josie said.

"Please do not siphon it! I'll be right there!" Hope added quickly and she ran to the door to invite her in. When she opened the door, of course Lizzie accompanied her as well.

"Hi girls, please come in." Hope invited them.

"Thanks" Lizzie said. "So the witch is here as well?" She asked as they followed Hope to the courtyard.

"Sure Lizzie, she's here." Hope answered vaguely.

"How did you know I was a siphon?" Josie asked suspiciously.


"I know how." Lizzie interrupted with a giggle. Josie was looking at her with questioning eyes as Hope led them to the living room. "Come on, we haven't seen that mopheaded elf since he walked you to your car two days ago" She continued to giggle as she sat down on a chair.

"Oh no,Landon wouldn't say anything about you two. Don't worry." Hope said reassuring as she and Josie sat on the couch. "

"There wasn't much talking then?" Lizzie kept teasing.

"Lizzie!" Josie scolded her sister with an angry stare. "That's not why we are here."

"Fine, I'm sorry Hope I didn't mean to be intrusive." Lizzie added with slight annoyance.

"I saw your card that your name is Josette Saltzman Park and you are the headmistress of the Salvatore school. You also mentioned you were twins, so it was not hard to guess that you are the famous siphon witches, the Saltzman twins, daughter of formal headmaster Alaric Saltzman." Hope explained. "I wonder what happened to him." Hope asked them. She respected Alaric, he was more than a teacher to her, he was a father figure after the loss of her parents. Hope felt bad now that she never checked on them. He was a human, anything could have happened to him.

"Our old man is okay, he retired." Lizzie said and Hope felt relieved that he was alive and well.

"Yes, and he wanted me to take over since Lizzie lives mostly in LA nowadays. Actually our mother and I are both kinda the headmistresses in the school. She is there now, until I take care of business here in New Orleans." Josie explained. "So, is she really coming?" Josie asked nervously.

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