Chapter 19

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Landon managed to sleep a couple of hours that night. He and Josie were talking for hours, he unloaded everything Hope told him that evening. After they went to their separate rooms, he still couldn't go to sleep. His mind just wouldn't shut down. He thought about Hope and the perfect couple of months they spent together. He was so sure she was it for him. She was his one true love. His only love. Words couldn't describe how much he loved her. He ached for her closeness, for her smell, for her taste. He missed her right at that moment as he laid alone in his bed. Then he thought of her lies. He knew she was lying, he felt she was hiding something. The way her voice changed just slightly, the way her eyes stopped sparkling when she was dishonest with him. He knew it all along but just let it slide because it was Hope. He's only love. What could she possibly lie about? And now Landon knew... he had a daughter. They had a daughter.

Landon always imagined having a big family. He wanted at least four or five kids, some biological, some adopted from foster care. He wanted to experience it all. He wanted to be there for the pregnancy with his partner, the birth of his child. He wanted the experience to be a first-time father with a newborn baby. He imagined seeing his child grow up. He wanted to be there for their first steps, their first day of school, he wanted to comfort them at their first heartbreak. But he missed it all, he missed it with Scarlett. She was fifteen years old and he had no idea she existed. He was wondering how her life turned out to be. He hoped she was loved and well taken care of... Hope gave her to someone she knew so he hoped at least Scarlett had a good home.

Hope... she gave her away. The mere thought made him sick. He hated Hope for this. As much as he missed his love at this moment the thought of her made him furious. He couldn't stand her, he would never understand her actions and he would never forgive her for this.

Landon just tossed and turned in his bed with anger and fury invading his mind. He slowly managed to fall asleep, gaining at least a few hours of quiet dreamless sleep that night.

When he woke up, he was alone in the apartment. Josie already left and it seemed like Lizzie never made her way back home. Rafael had moved in with the hybrids since he turned so Landon was all alone that morning. He made some coffee and sat down on the living room couch reading while he was sipping on the coffee. As he was reading, his thoughts constantly slipped to the recent events. After a while he just put down his book as he was unable to focus. He thought about his daughter again. He wondered what kind of person she turned out to be. He was eager to get to know her but he had fears. He had no idea how to go about it. It's not like she was a newborn baby relying on her parents, but she was still his daughter... who apparently already had parents, her adoptive parents. Scarlett wanted to get to know him but she surely didn't need him. But it had to be enough for Landon... he missed his chance to be a real father thanks to Hope. Before the anger could get his better half again, he quickly grabbed his phone. He wanted to get in touch with Scarlett. He was debating to text Hope but he couldn't even stand the thought of talking to her. He decided to ask Lizzie, she probably spent the night at Hope's place anyway.

'Hey Liz, you still at Hope's? I was wondering if you could get in touch with Scarlett somehow. Would be nice to get to know her. I'm free all day, hope we can set up a meeting or something...' Landon sent the text to Lizzie. He received a reply in about 10 minutes.

'She'd be happy to see you. Lunch date?'

'Great! What does she like? Where should we go?' Landon replied quickly to Lizzie's message.

'Calm down... There's that little sandwich place near our apartment. Let's meet there at noon. I'll go with her.'

'Thank you, Lizzie!'

Landon still had about an hour until noon. He took a quick shower then dressed in jeans and a simple T-shirt. He was really nervous about meeting with his daughter. He was walking up and down in the living room thinking how he should go about it or what he should ask. He soon realized it was almost noon, so he grabbed his wallet and cell phone and headed to the place they were supposed to meet.

The Queen of New OrleansOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora