Chapter 2

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Hope was sitting in her car, in front of the police station. She maintained her anxiety since the cabin but couldn't shut her mind off. She was sad and torn then angry. Angry at the fucking police officer. He kidnapped and most likely killed people of her pack. He was right there in the Bayou, he could have touched her, the girl... she thought about her. The girl with dark curls. "Stop it! Focus" She argued with herself. She knew why she went to the Bayou herself; she could have sent Alex. She would know the same information. But she had to know, she had to see that she was alright. She couldn't stop thinking about her. The girl was startled, she looked even scared. She might have heard their conversation when she told Abigail that the missing people must be dead. The girl must have known them, maybe they were even friends. She scared her... she knew. The girl had a simple life, growing up with the pack. She had a loving mother in Abigail and Hope made sure they are never in any need.

Deep in her thoughts she noticed the front door opening at the police station. Jonathan Arnold. He was a tall muscular man in his fifties. He was getting in his car and driving away. She followed him. Arnold stopped at a small townhouse just outside the city.

Before getting out of her car, Hope took off her leather jacket, took out her hair tie and let her long auburn hair loose on her shoulders then wiped off some of her make up trying to look as girlish and innocent as she could.

As he was opening his front door, Hope stopped him, faking a nervous breakdown.

"Excuse me Officer. I'm so glad I found you, a scary man is following me and I don't know what to do." She even managed to drop some tears.

Arnold didn't know what to do with the girl breaking down on his front porch so he did the dumbest thing he could do and invited her in.

"Come on in sweetheart, tell me what he looks like." Hope's famous smirk appeared on the corner of her lips as he navigated her in his kitchen offering her some water.

She looked around in the house. Nothing homey about it. The dirty dishes in the kitchen sink showed he lived here alone. She could see one family picture on the wall with a younger Arnold, a woman of his age and a little girl, looked to be around 10 on the picture, but the picture clearly was at least a decade old. As she was looking at the picture, Arnold followed her eyes.

"Your daughter? Let me guess. Amy?" Hope spoke without a slightest care in the world. Her breakdown magically disappeared. Arnold looked uneasy at the sight.

"Yes. Do you know her? She is in college, studies business. Really smart girl, like her mother." The officer muttered nervously.

"I know her boyfriend. Bryan is it? How is he?" Hope asked him with a smirk and a cold stare.

Arnold looked away at his name. He was looking at something in the kitchen counter. Hope could see her cover was blown but she didn't care. She only needed to get in his house to interrogate him. Yes, that's what she was going to do. Interrogate, ask him about the missing wolves...but she got angry at the thought. So angry that she wanted to tear off his head right at that moment. Arnold looked at her noticing her glowing yellow eyes.

"You are one of them. Should have known. Don't think you can scare me, I have dealt with your kind before." The officer said smugly but his voice trembled.

"I highly doubt that" Hope growled at him. "What have you done with them? Neil, Bryan, Laura? Where are they?"

"Don't worry, you'll be there with them soon enough". Arnold ran to the counters and took a crossbow out of it, aiming at Hope now.

"You know I did let you get that; I was curious what was your plan" Arnold didn't even care about what she had to say, he was so sure he had the upper hand now that he was holding the weapon.

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