Chapter 13

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The following couple weeks went by fast. Hope wasn't surprised when she got the call from Josie to go ahead with the plan regarding the twin boys, her wife was on board. So Hope worked on the spell for weeks. She did some research on both the Gemini and on the werewolf untying spell as well. She tried to combine, come up with something that might work. She was writing hundreds of spells but didn't find one that would speak to her yet.

On the other hand her relationship with Landon seemed perfect. He finished his semester and spent all his free time at Hope's place, he basically moved in with her. They cooked together their meals every day, they made sweet love every night and talked about almost everything. Almost...

Lizzie however was getting mad at Hope that she still wasn't able to tell Landon about Scarlett. She promised she would tell, but Hope struggled every time she got close to it. Lizzie and Hope got along just well, when Landon and Raf had some bro time, Hope spent her time with Lizzie usually visiting the vampire clubs. Josie only contacted Hope about the spell. Hope was a little disappointed in the fact that Josie had no interest in her whatsoever as a friend when in Hope's memories Josie was one of her very best friends in their past.

Hope didn't contact Scarlett in the past weeks. She wanted to go to the Bayou and talk to her so badly but the last time they met on Scarlett's birthday she was very clear about where she was standing about Hope so she didn't want to bother her. Not now anyway. She really hoped that Scarlett would come around and then Hope would be there whenever Scarlett was ready to take a step forward.

It was a bright Monday morning. Hope was up all night working on the merge in the library when Lizzie barged in and scared the living shit out of Hope who was deeply focused on writing a spell. In the past weeks Hope gave access to the compound to Lizzie, since she became a regular visitor and Hope's best friend.

"I got it!" Lizzie screamed at Hope.

"What the hell Lizzie?" Hope yelled.

"Sorry, I know it's early but I found it, I found a memory spell that I actually think could work... it just needs some rewriting I think and I am not so comfortable with that." Lizzie said and dropped a heavy book in front of Hope on the desk she was working at. Hope started to look into the spell. "What do you think?" Lizzie asked, all hyped.

"I don't know, maybe, but it's Japanese and I'm not so comfortable in eastern witchcraft." Hope said.

"No worries, Josie is like a pro in it. She'll translate to you and you just have to revise the spell to work on us. She will be happy to do it, you work on her stuff nonstop, at least somehow she can repay." Lizzie said happily.

"Okay, I'll look into it. It sounds promising." She smiled.

The library door opened again and Landon entered with a tray in his hands.

"Lizzie, hi. Didn't know you were here." Landon said surprised by her presence.

"Yep, I might've just gotten the answer, how to get your memories back of your girlfriend." Lizzie shrugged.

"Oh my God, that's awesome!" He said and placed the tray with waffles and hot tea in front of Hope on the desk. He gave her a quick peck on the lips. "And how's your research going? I missed you last night." He asked Hope.

"Failing with everything I do... I'm not giving up yet, but I need a break." Hope said exhausted who was working all night long.

"Ooh breakfast!" Lizzie said as she grabbed a waffle off Hope's plate.

"Hey, now that both of you are here, I wanted to ask something." Landon looked at the two girls in the room." You remember Lizzie when we tried to find my mother? Do you think maybe Hope and you could look into what you found? We know now that it wasn't my mother but maybe it could be a sibling or something..." Landon asked them, wondering. Lizzie almost choked at the waffle, now clearly knowing who she found.

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