Chapter 28

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Hope woke up suddenly. She was breathing heavy and her heart was pounding like crazy. She sat up and looked around her surroundings. She was alone, in her bedroom in New Orleans and she was sitting in her own bed. Was it all a dream? A nightmare? Then she suddenly felt a sharp stomach cramp. She grabbed her covers to pull it off of herself, when she noticed the massive amount of blood covering her lower parts. She quickly ran into the bathroom to take care of herself. She changed her bloody sheets as well then crawled back into the bed and started sobbing. She knew what was happening... she was losing her barely four weeks old babies. They were dying and she couldn't do anything about it. She didn't do anything about it. She knew it was all real, it all happened. They took them they took her sweet little babies. She was laying there in fetal position and couldn't stop crying. She replayed everything in her mind that happened. She had a little boy and a little girl they were perfect, they were beautiful. The little boy looked just like Landon and the girl looked perhaps like Hope. She gave birth to them she loved them and she lost them. She didn't even name them. She didn't know how long she was lying there sobbing alone in her room, but Lizzie entered some time later.

"You're up!?" Lizzie yelled excited then she walked to Hope who was still crying. "Are you ok Hope?" What happened?" She asked concerned sitting on Hope's bed beside her.

Hope wanted to say something. She wanted to say what happened, that Lizzie was right, she was really pregnant. She was pregnant with twins... but she's not anymore and her babies are dead, and those crazy witches took them from her. She wanted to tell her, but no sound came out. She just couldn't stop crying. Hope sat up and looked into Lizzie's eyes with her teary ones but she just sobbed.

"Hope, what the hell, please talk to me!" Lizzie said in a worried voice then pulled her in for a hug. Hope returned the hug fiercely as she cried on Lizzie's shoulders. Lizzie held her for a while but Hope just didn't settle. "Are you bleeding?" Lizzie asked as she held her. Her vampire senses could obviously tell. Hope just nodded against Lizzie's shoulder but didn't say a thing. She held her like that until Hope started to quiet down. Lizzie let her go slowly and caressed her red and teary face. "Please talk to me Hope." She said in a sweet voice.

" died... babies." She sobbed. Her speech was barely understandable.

"What baby? Who died?" Lizzie asked confused then Hope placed one of her hand on her belly.

"Oh god, Hope no... shit... you lost it?" Hope nodded as she was crying. "That's why you're bleeding..." Lizzie said sadly as she stroked Hope's arm softly. Hope nodded again. "I'm so sorry Hope!" Lizzie hugged her again. "I'm so sorry..." she kept saying as she stroked her back.

"Hope?" Hope heard her daughter's voice. She let go of Lizzie and saw Scarlett peeking in the room. "Can I come in?" Scarlett asked and Hope nodded. Scarlett sat on the bed next to her. "What happened? You look awful! Are you okay?" She asked her mother. Hope caressed her daughter's face and kissed her forehead.

"I love you so much." Hope managed to say her first whole sentence. Finally it seemed like actual words were leaving her mouth.

"I love you too! What's going on? Tell me that you are okay." Scarlett replied with worry.

"I'm gonna leave you two to talk while I grab you something to eat and a fresh bag of blood. ok?" Hope nodded and Lizzie left the room. Hope took a deep breath. She didn't know what to say to Scarlett. She wanted to be honest with her but everything happened was so disturbing that Hope didn't want to scare her too much and she wasn't sure if she could talk about it just yet without completely braking down.

"Please say something, I was so worried. You were out like for two days. I was so scared I'm going to lose you too!" Scarlett said as a tear drop left her eye. " You should've never done this stupid spell."

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