Chapter 3

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Hope woke up the next day late in the afternoon. She dreamt about him again, about Landon. She dreamt about the girl too. What could have been if she didn't jump, if Malivore didn't take everything from her. It had been so long but she thought about him all the time. The one and only time she was in love. She swore to never feel that way again. She never did. She had flings and one night stands, mostly with humans. She visited local human bars and clubs where the supernaturals of the city were not allowed by her own rules. So she went there sometimes. That was her plan for the night too.

When she lazily got out of her bed it was already 5 in the afternoon. She didn't want to do any productive work that day. She was still mentally exhausted from events of the past days. She got into the shower, the warm water on her body felt so calming like she never wanted to leave. When she finally decided to shut the water off an hour passed by. She put on a baggy shirt and a comfy short and headed to the kitchen. Grabbed a blood bag then settled in the living room couch with a book. She was reading for hours. When she put down her book it was already 10pm so she decided to get dressed and visit one of the local's clubs. She put on a simple skin tight black dress with mid thigh length. She let her hair in loose curls and applied her makeup to look older than she actually looked. Hope grabbed a pair of high heels and a matching purse and headed to the club.

It was one she had been before, she was not a regular but visited it sometimes. There was a long line at the entrance. Hope was definitely not going to get into that line. She went in front and made eye contact with the bouncer.

"You are going to let me in and my age does not concern you"

With that Hope entered the club. It was loud but thankfully not too crowded. Hope headed to the bar to order herself a drink.

"Let me guess! Cosmopolitan! It's my secret talent, I know your order before you do" The bartender smiled at Hope. He was quite tall, messy brown hair, dark brown eyes. Not the best looking guy in the club but he was ok. He looked to be about 25.

Hope shot him a rigid look. "Bourbon. Clean."

"I was way off then" He was laughing "Coming right up" Hope still looked like she was going to murder someone. Come on, loosen up. She thought to herself.

After she gulped down her whisky she smirked at the bartender.

"You know what? I will try your famous Cosmo."

"I told you, it's my secret talent. Maybe you don't even know yet, but I know what you want"

"Is that so?" Hope laughed genuinely.

"I'm James by the way" The bartender introduced himself.

"And I am Daniel, what can I get for the beautiful lady sitting all by herself at the bar?" A handsome young guy came up to Hope. He was in his early twenties, dirty blond hair, hazel eyes. He was a little drunk, but Hope didn't really mind.

Hope smiled at James then at Daniel. "Thank you, I have a drink already." Showed him the Cosmo she just got from the bartender.

"The next one is on me. May I take the beautiful lady for a dance?" Daniel stumbled as he held out his hand towards Hope.

"Why not?" Hope chuckled at the clumsy drunk guy and his forced proper lines.

They were dancing for a while, Hope finally got loose a little. She was not proud of what she was doing but she came to the club for one purpose. She was a grown woman and she had needs and she needed to get that building pressure out of her system from time to time. She never wanted anything serious. This Daniel guy seemed just fine for that. The dance got heated between them, they were grinding their bodies together. He kissed her. It was sloppy, tasted like alcohol but she was pretty tipsy at this point to care.

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