Chapter 24

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Hope laid next to Scarlett in her bed stroking her back as she cried quietly. Hope compelled Oliver to forget everything that happened. She came back to the compound right away with Scarlett. She was hysterical, so they couldn't really talk. Hope sent a short text to the hybrids that 'problem solved' then tried to comfort her daughter all night.

It was traumatizing for her for sure. Killing someone like that even if the person was responsible for her mother's death it was still awful. And she is a wolf now. She killed a human. Luckily they just passed full moon a few days ago so they had almost a whole month to prepare for the change. Hope felt sorry for her girl but she was incredibly mad at her. What was she thinking going there and dragging Oliver with her? It made her angry and disappointed. On the other hand she should've known. Scarlett was toying with the idea of killing Amy, Hope knew. She always asked about their progress on finding her. Shit she did want to kill her, that's why she was there. Hope should've taken it more seriously and she should've talked with her about how revenge would never heal her wounds... it just made it worse.

Hope eventually fell asleep. When she woke up Scarlett was clinging to her, lying on her chest. She wasn't sleeping anymore.

"Have you gotten any sleep?" Hope asked her petting her hair.

"Some I guess." She said holding onto Hope.

"Do you want to tell me what happened yesterday? Why were you there?" Hope asked her.

"Can you just hold me for a little longer?" She asked with shaky voice.

"Sure" Hope hugged her tightly as Scarlett laid on her chest.

They laid there in silence for what it seemed like for hours when Scarlett finally decided to let Hope go. She sat up on her bed and Hope followed along.

"I heard what Rafael said... I heard the address, I just wanted to be sure she didn't get away this time." She said with teary eyes as she looked into Hope blue eyes.

"Scarlett, I was going to take care of it... What were you thinking? This is what you were planning? Killing her?" Hope asked her quite infuriated though she didn't really want to show how upset she was, she knew Scarlett was a wreck anyway.

"She killed my mom, Hope!" Scarlett said raising her voice. "She deserved what she got... I just didn't plan it that way. It felt so wrong." She started to cry again.

"Revenge is never the answer sweetheart. You won't feel better about what happened with your mom... and you'll have to live with what you did for the rest of your life." Hope said as she caressed her face wiping her tears off but she just cried harder.

"But she deserved to die. Why don't I get to feel better?" She sobbed and Hope hugged her tightly.

"I'm sorry, so sorry." Hope said as she held her.

"I saw you down, and those vampires attacked you." She said after her sobs calmed down a little. "And I knew fire would kill a vampire that's why I used that spell on one of them... then I just saw that bitch attacking Oliver with a knife and I couldn't think of any other spell or anything else to do so I did the same. It was awful to see her suffer like that... even if she killed my mom the same way, I don't think I can ever forget the way she screamed, the way she smelled."

"I'm sorry you have to live with this now, I'm sorry we haven't talked about things like this before. But you need to move on, you need to live. And you need to prepare for your turn in a few weeks. You need to be strong for that because it's going to be the worst pain of your life." Hope said as she slowly let her go and looked into her daughter's teary eyes. "And what the hell were you thinking bringing Oliver into this Scarlett?" Hope asked her firmly.

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