Yusuke: How long will you be there?

Miyuki: 2 years or so.

Yusuke: That long? Are you sure you don't want me to come with?

Miyuki: It's alright. There's actually a reason why I'm sending you back to Japan.

Yusuke: And that is?

Miyuki passes Yusuke some papers, which Yusuke instantly recognized.

Yusuke: This has to be a joke.

Miyuki: The director came to me personally and suggested I let you attend, and I said, why not?

Yusuke: Senzaemon-dono? How did he even found you?

Miyuki: That's the Nakiris for you.

Yusuke: You want me to physically attend school? I can only imagine so many things that could go wrong, and you're sending me there of all places.

Miyuki: Come on, don't be like that. This is your chance to meet people your age who are just as cooking-obsessed as you. Doesn't that sound exciting?

Yusuke: No, it doesn't. And interacting with people my age isn't really my thing.

Miyuki: Then it will be. You need to develop social skills, you can't spend the rest of your life as an anti-social cooking freak.

Yusuke: Anti-social cooking freak? Aren't you exaggerating a little?

Miyuki: ...-_-... I'm really not.



Chef: Y-Yes chef...

(Flashback Ends)

Yusuke: I only meant to say the squid was a little under-cooked.

Miyuki: Exactly. 

Yusuke: ....

Miyuki: Come on, it's just three years. We're always moving from place to place because of work. Think of this as taking a break from that.

Yusuke: It's alright, really. I don't have a problem with it.

Miyuki: Well I do.

Yusuke: W-Wait, where am I supposed to stay until then?

Miyuki: The friend I just mentioned, he was kind enough to let you borrow their place. So you'll be staying there with their son.

Yusuke: Really? 

Miyuki: I should warn you though, this kid is a little...

Yusuke: Hmm?

Miyuki: Hmm... What's the right word? He's a little... peculiar.

Yusuke: Peculiar... in what way?

(Tokyo, Japan)

At Yukihira Diner, a red-haired young man was trying out a strange combination.

???: DISGUSTING!! They don't go together at all... They're a devastatingly bad match!

A boy name Yukihira Soma was grilling squid with peanut butter in charcoal.

Soma: Squid tentacles and peanut butter... I can't help laughing, it's so disgusting... 


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