Suit up

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A little warning, a little of Weasley bashing, and a whole lot of fluff.



''Harry, what did you say to the creature?'' Stiles mumbles while just keeping upright. He's leaning heavily against Derek, who also seems exhausted, but he's a werewolf. He can cope.

''I just said that he needed to leave you guys alone,'' Harry says, still looking worriedly at Stiles and Derek. He is hovering, and Stiles thinks it's really cute.

''It's not cute, Stiles.''

Shit, did I say that out loud?

''Yes, you did,'' Harry tells him with a laugh. Stiles grumbles because it's so unfair that Harry and Derek can hear him. What if they hear everything else? That's disturbing.

Stiles is asleep in the Camaro as soon as he is planted in the car. When he wakes up, he isn't surprised that Derek is carrying him into the house.

''Does my dad know?'' He mumbles.

''Yes, we called him, made sure he knew you were okay, and he said that he wanted you to stay with us. He didn't want you all alone at home.'' Harry says softly. Derek lays him on the couch and grabs his hand. Stiles doesn't know why until the ache that he had in his muscles loosens and disappears. He groans in appreciation.

''I love that werewolf mojo.'' Stiles slurs.

Harry chuckles, and Stiles snuggles up to him. Stiles is still holding Derek's hand. He doesn't know why but it just feels right to keep touching them both. He's probably still out of it from what has happened.

''You saved my life, Stiles.'' Derek then whispers. As if it's a secret. He had been silent the whole time to the car, and Stiles can't fathom that he said anything to Harry in the car. Sourwolf is not good with his words, but Stiles can see he's learning, and he really shouldn't think that that is as amazing as he does.

''I was also the one who brought it in danger the first place,'' Stiles grumbles. He then tries to sit up, but Harry has put his arm around Stiles's shoulders and doesn't let him go.

Derek growls, and Stiles opens his eyes to look at the Alpha. He seems conflicted for some reason.

''Sourwolf, I'm too tired to read your eyebrows, so give it to me, yell at me. Do something.'' Stiles says with a gimme motion of his hand.

Derek seems really put out by this.

''Stiles-'' Derek really seems pained by the idea alone of yelling at Stiles, he is so going to milk this when he can. ''-You held me above water for an hour, a freaking hour. And then you gave me mouth to mouth in the water to save my life. I'm not going to yell at you.'' Derek says, and Stiles is stunned for a moment because he didn't really expect a thank you. Not that this is a literal thank you, but from Derek, it's close enough. He feels the gratitude coming from the Alpha, and he feels pleased until he thinks back at the moment in the pool and flushes scarlet. He bolts upright and looks Derek in the eyes.

''I'm sorry I did that without asking. I just couldn't let you drown!'' He says hysterically.


''No! I couldn't Derek, I let you go to get my phone, and I felt so guilty, but I needed to try to get help. I took advantage of you! That has happened enough to you! I just didn't know how long I would have been able to keep you above water, but I wasn't going to let you go, not for anything in the world.'' Stiles doesn't look at Derek while saying this, feeling himself blush with the admission.

When it rains, it pours.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon