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Welp, this chapter is gonna hurt, not gonna lie.



Harry was pissed, no- he was livid! One of the biggest arseholes of entire Britain just walked out of Azkaban as if it was a regular thing! Harry seriously doubted the wizarding population if they still haven't fortified the 'scariest' prison in Britain after three bloody jailbreaks!

No, now the fourth one happened, and they wanted to keep it quiet! Well, fuck that!

He was pacing through the library while Draco and Hermione had gone to Andromeda with Narcissa. Stiles was seated on the couch with George. Both were shaken from the news that Lucius had broken out. But Stiles has already focused again on searching for the ritual that was being used here, but he did glance at Harry every couple of minutes to check if he still was okay.

Narcissa was clearly scared of what her ex-husband could be capable of, and she tried not to show them how much it did to her. But Harry could see through it. She had pulled him away for a moment after Hermione and Draco had told them what had happened and told Harry to watch out because Lucius was always raving in his letter of getting revenge on Harry for defeating Voldemort.

Harry had taken her advice to heart but was also still mainly focused on getting Derek back and finding out who was sacrificing people in Beacon Hills.

He was suddenly hit with inspiration to stick it to the British wizarding world.

He conjured his Patronus, marveling like he always did when Prongs calmed him down. The stag looked around for a threat but turned to Harry when he didn't see it.

''Wow-'' Stiles gasped out. Harry looked at his boyfriend and saw the awe on his face. Huh, he thought Stiles had already seen Prongs, but now he thought about it - mh, no, Harry hadn't conjured his Patronus before.

''Stiles, meet Prongs,'' Harry said with a smile. Prongs trotted towards Stiles on the couch, and when Stiles reached out a hand to touch it, he gasped.

Harry knew why, you couldn't really touch a Patronus, but the warm feelings and comfort enveloped you when you tried touching one.

''It's beautiful,'' Stiles murmured before looking at Harry with a beaming smile.

''I know, now, I did conjure you with a reason, Prongs,'' Harry said, and the magical form immediately trotted back to Harry to listen to his command.

''Mione, did you still have some sway with the bug? I think she could use a scoop about the prison break.'' Harry said before waving his wand and sending Prongs on his way.

''Did you just send a message with him?'' Stiles marveled.

''Yes, during the war, we used it more often. Now we have mobile phones that can withstand magic.'' Harry replied with a smile.

Stiles turned to George, who had a wistful smile on his face.

''What is your Patronus?'' Stiles asked in his regular brazen way.

The smile became a little more painful before George responded. ''It was a Magpie,''

Stiles frowned and glanced at Harry, but Harry grimaced back at him. Stiles turned back to George. ''Why does it sound like you don't have one anymore?''

''Because after F-Fred died, I haven't been able to conjure one,'' George said with a difficult swallow.

Stiles's mouth fell open in an o form. He looked troubled between Harry and George. ''Can I ask- can I ask why you aren't able to?'' He asked softly, and George smiled.

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