Story time

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Okay, so, long chapter ahead, heads up, Harry is going to tell his story. So a lot of information will be in this one, not a lot of action, just a little, like blink and it's gone.

Have fun!

Derek walks into the locker room at Beacon Hills high. He was seriously starting to doubt this meeting spot. It really smelled badly of sweat, teenage boys, and hormones. He wrinkled his nose in disgust. How he had survived High School was lost on him for a moment.

He checked the time and saw that he was a couple of minutes early. He already heard Stiles, Scott, and Isaac approaching. He had told Scott, Stiles, Harry, and Hermione about the boy he wanted to give the bite to. He explained that he thought that Isaac was being abused and that he hoped that the bite would make him stronger and give him the opportunity to defend himself.

Stiles and Harry both had reacted very badly with hearing that he thought Isaac was being abused. Harry didn't know the boy. Otherwise, he would have been here too. Because Scott was now an official part of Derek's pack, he would help Isaac with the transition. And Stiles was there because he had helped Scott.

Stiles had turned a little sour since Derek had been wounded. He was still waiting until Harry would explain and tell him everything that the boy had been through, but this weekend he needed to travel back to Britain for some properties he owned. Harry really didn't want to go and had apologized a couple of thousand times, but Stiles isn't a very patient person. They would talk tonight after Derek had bitten Isaac.

The door opened, and Scott, Stiles, and Isaac stepped in. Isaac shrank into himself a little, trying to appear as small as possible, but the guy was a head taller than Derek, so that really wasn't going to work.

''Scott, Stiles, Isaac.'' He acknowledged.

''Hi Derek,'' Stiles said with a wave. Derek almost smiled at the goofy guy. He had stayed over for most of the weekend at Harry's house, even with Harry and Hermione gone. He had read through at least five books. Derek didn't even know that people could read that fast. Stiles had used Derek as a sounding board. Everything he didn't understand, he read aloud and debated with Derek what it could mean. Derek didn't think that he had brought in that much, but Stiles said that he had been glad for the input.

''Hi,'' Isaac said a little timidly. As if afraid of what would happen, as if Derek hadn't already told him a hundred times. But, Derek had been a werewolf for his whole life. He didn't know any different. For Isaac, it would mean that his entire life would change.

''Are you ready?'' Derek asked softly. Isaac nodded fast and took a step forward. He rolled up his sleeve and trusted his arm out at Derek.

Derek shifted his face and heard Isaac take a shaky breath. He also heard Stiles take in a sharp breath. Not wanting to be distracted any further, he bit down fast in Isaac's wrist. Isaac whimpered but didn't make another sound.

He let go of the wrist and shifted his face back to normal. He looked at Stiles, who scrambled over with the first aid kit they had brought. Stiles bandaged the wound quickly and well before nodding and clapping Isaac on his shoulder.

''Welcome to the club.'' He said with a waggle of his eyebrows. Isaac rolled his eyes and gave a shy smile. Scott raised his hand as if he had a question.

''Scott, you aren't in class, you know that, right?'' Derek said with a hint of amusement.

Scott lowered his hand and looked a little bashful before asking the question.

''I feel the need to touch Isaac, I think that should be weird, but my wolf seems very happy at the thought.'' He then blushed as if ashamed for saying it at all.

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