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Welcome to my new story! Just a small disclaimer, I don't own Harry Potter, Teen Wolf or the pictures I use! Have fun reading!


''ARGRHHH!'' Sounded through the hallway of Grimmauldplace before a door was slamming closed with a bang. Hermione sipped her tea when her best friend Harry Potter stormed into the kitchen.

''Reporters again?'' She said while reading her book. She didn't even look up. She knew Harry well enough to know exactly what had him rilled up like this.

''They don't know when to bloody shut their mouths! OR to stop when asked! I mean, is this a game to them? Do they think it's funny to stalk me?'' Harry growled out while pacing the kitchen.

''No, Harry. They don't have any boundaries. They think they are entitled to the inside story of the boy who vanquished the Dark Lord!'' She said with a high voice while batting her eyelashes.

Harry snorted out a laugh, and Hermione was pleased that he at least was smiling again.

The smile turned grim way too fast. She reached for his hand and squeezed.

''Did you talk to Ron?'' She asked carefully, remembering that Harry was going to talk to her ex. After she and Ron had broken off things, he was distant and hurtful with his words to her. She didn't want Harry to choose sides, so she had encouraged him to meet regularly with Ron so they hopefully could still be friends.

Harry thumped his head on the table and groaned. Well, that was encouraging.

''What happened?'' She asked when he remained silent. He started grumbling against the wood of the table until Hermione squeezed his hand again. She hadn't even noticed that she was still holding it at first.

He looked up at her, and he seemed so sad that she just wanted to roll him up in bubble wrap and lock him away from the rest of the world. She could probably do it too. And maybe he would let her do it. It was clear that Harry was done with the aftermath of the war.

''He set me up. When I walked into the Burrow, there were at least five reporters. They all were asking Ron questions. And he was bloody gloating in the attention. When I walked in, it was like a bloody trainwreck. They jumped up and started flashing their cameras and throwing questions at me.'' He was fuming now, and Hermione understood why. He didn't want to be interviewed. He just wanted some peace, to mourn the fallen ones of the war.

Harry seemed to try to calm down but was failing miserably. She could feel the magic coming off him in waves. Since he became the Master of Death, he was magically stronger than any witch or wizard they had seen. They had kept it silent. Only Harry, Ron, and herself knew about it. Even going as far as making an Unbreakable Vow. Ron really didn't like that part, but when Hermione proposed it, Harry was touched by the lengths his friends would go for him. So Ron had agreed to it.

''Ron got angry but didn't say anything. When I asked the reporters to leave, he lost it. Called me a stuck-up and a traitor because I choose you over him that I couldn't even do him a solid to give an interview with him.'' Harry said, anger lacing his voice.

Hermione was gaping at Harry when she heard this.

''He did not! What a complete and utter ARSEHOLE!'' Hermione was furious. She would castrate that son of a bitch! How could he say something like that to Harry!

Harry was gaping before he burst into laughter.

''What is so funny! I want to hex that redheaded- little- argh!'' Hermione spat out while throwing her hands in the air.

''I never heard you curse. It's like seeing a teacher in the holidays.'' Harry said with an amused voice.

''Don't be a prick.'' She said while pouting, making Harry laugh again.

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