Chapter 17: Ambush

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"Our job is not to set things right, but to see them right."

Rocky nervously paced around his room. He did not know how to begin to explain to Monique where he needed to go. He cannot believe his parents ambushed him that way. He considered not telling Monique at all, but he remembered his promise to her about truthfulness, he was not about to go back on his word. Better to get it over with, he told himself. Rocky took a few deep breaths and placed a call to Monique.

"Hi Love!" Monique greeted him cheerily.

"Hi, Love." Rocky softly greeted her back.

"Hey, what's wrong? Why do you sound so disturbed?" Monique asked.

Rocky was starting to lose his nerve. "'s nothing. Just tired."

"Oh my poor baby. Didn't I tell you to just rest and not worry about calling?" Monique could not disguise her concern.

Rocky immediately felt guilty. "Uhm, actually, sorry, that was a lie. I am not tired."

"Huh? I don't understand." Monique replied, confused.

"Uhm Love, I have something I need to tell you. I think it might upset you, but please just listen first okay?" Rocky requested.

"Love, you're scaring me. What's happening?" Monique asked nervously.

"Uhm my parents just sprung this on me when I got home today. Tomorrow, I will have to join them for a business trip for a few days—-"

"Oh my God, Love! Don't scare me like that again. I was actually thinking it was much worse. It's okay, Love. Duty calls, I understand."

"No, you don't understand... I wasn't finished. We are going on a business trip with Leanne and her parents."

After a momentary silence, "Oh..."

"Listen, Love, don't get so worked up about it, okay? It will be a shareholder's meeting... where we will discuss the merger and—-"

"Your arranged marriage. Is that what you were about to say?" Monique said softly.

"Uhm...yes." Rocky replied.

"I thought you said it was being handled? How is it that you are still talking about it?" Monique pressed.

"Wait, Love. Hear me out first. Honestly, I do not know what about the arranged marriage we will discuss. My parents have already committed to get me out of it, so please don't worry."

"How can I not worry, when you yourself do not know what you will be talking about? Love, I had hoped you would understand why this is quite difficult for me to even think about."

"I know, Love. I do understand. But please believe me, whatever the meeting will be about, I promise you that I will not agree to the marriage. Can you trust me?"

"Love, I do trust you—- with all my heart. It is Leanne that I do not trust. And besides that, I know how committed your family is to the business...what if the only option is for you to marry her? What if your families still believe it's the best thing to do?"

"Love, do you think I will allow that? There is nothing I want more than to get out of it." Rocky assured her.

"But what if you cannot?"

"Then I promise you that I will turn my back on my inheritance."

"No. I don't want you to do that, Love. I don't want you to resent me for it."

"Do you really hold me in such low regard, Love?"

" you cannot blame me for being scared, can you?"

"Love, there is no reason to be scared. My love for you far exceeds what I stand to inherit. You must know that." Rocky insisted.

"Love, I am scared. I don't think I would be able to take the worrying. Perhaps it's best if we just end this now...then you would not have to choose between me and your family...and I can just spare myself the pain—-"

"Nique, no! I don't want you to go. Please trust me as you always have, that I will get us through this. Please. I cannot imagine my life without you in it..."


"Love, no. What you fear will not happen. I promise you. I will get out of it. Do you trust me?"

"Are you sure, Love? I am already giving you a free pass—-"

"I don't want it, nor need it. This will not come between us. I promise you. Okay?"

"Okay." Monique finally conceded.

"I love you so much..." Rocky whispered.

"I love you so much too." Monique softly replied.

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