Chapter 7: Bucket List

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"Fill your life with tiny and large adventurous moments."

Yet another sleepless night for Rocky, still thinking about Monique. He actually did not know what had gotten into him. No one girl has ever occupied his mind quite like her. Save maybe for Leanne. The girl his family has arranged for him to marry after he graduates. But his thoughts of Leanne were  mostly about how to extricate himself from their pre-planned fate. Planned. Not destined. He did try to make it work. For three years he tried to make it work. But he really couldn't see himself with her, which is why he  broke up with her the year before. His decision did not go well with his parents, but since he informed them of their break-up, they never brought it up again.  He knew he was on borrowed time and he needed to act fast. There was no way in hell that he would ever agree to the marriage. Especially now that it seemed Monique was going to be very much in his life, or at least that was his plan. He knew from the moment their eyes met that there was something about her that really leaves him wanting more. He did not know what it was just yet, but there was nothing more he wanted than to find out. People frown upon the idea of love at first sight. Hell, even he thought it was crazy. But all that seemed to have  changed last Friday when he met Monique. Could it be love at first sight? He did not know yet. But it seemed rather close.. I need to see her and I cannot wait until Monday, Rocky thought to himself.

"Good morning, Tiny! Did you sleep well?" he texted.

"Stop calling me Tiny! Yes, I slept well. You?"

"Not really."

"Why? Are you still sick?"

"Nah. I kept thinking about you.

"Oh stop it."

"Hahahahahaha. What are you up to? Any plans today?"

"Well, nothing much. Eatery is closed. Might go get some stuff for school later today."

"Great! Was thinking of the same thing. Want to go together? Pick you up?"

"Sure! But don't pick me up anymore. I can just meet you in the mall. BGC?"

"BGC sounds good. Pick you up at 2 pm. Don't argue."

"Fine. See you!"


Monique went into action. She had to clean up the eatery and her house, and do her laundry, before Rocky picks her up. Yes. The second voice eventually won out. She had to know that the first voice really did not have a chance, because her heart was telling her to go for it. She has decided to see where things can go. As for the age difference? She would deal with it when it becomes a problem. For now, she will just enjoy the moment. She thought she deserved it after ten years.


Rocky watched Monique go through racks upon racks of backpacks in a travel store. He knew she was trying to find something that would fit her budget, so he decided to stay back, so as not to embarrass her. Deep inside though, he was struggling to stop himself from just swooping in and getting each bag she has looked at and returned to the rack. I can get her everything in this damn store, he thought to himself. He knew though that Monique would be uncomfortable. She was principled like that. So distinctly different  from the girls he has met and gone out with, especially Leanne. Leanne. The problem. He knew he would have to tell Monique about her soon, he just needed to find the right time. He was actually surprised that he wanted to explain it to her. Rocky never felt he owed anyone an explanation. He figured, if people were just going to think of him a certain way, then there was nothing much he could do, so why even bother? But Monique was different.  He wanted a clean slate with her for some reason,  and the only way to do that was to be honest. But first, he needed to talk to his parents. It was not going be easy, he was actually dreading it. However, he felt that Monique was worth it. Whether or not they go any farther, she was worth it.

After a while, Monique joined him at the couch in the store, still empty-handed.

"Let's go. I am famished!" Monique was obviously forcing her enthusiasm.

"Huh? I thought you needed a bag?" he asked.

"I just remembered that I have a backpack at home. I can just clean it then it would be good as new! Come on, let's go!" Monique insisted as she tried to pull Rocky up from the couch.

"Okay, okay." Rocky relented.

All the fast-food restaurants were packed. They went around and settled on an Italian restaurant, which had very few people. Rocky knew the prices were going to be too steep for Monique, but he wanted her to still eat the best food.  He could easily give that to her, so amidst protestation, Rocky was able to convince her.

"I will have Tomato and Basil Soup and some bread." Monique told the waiter. It was the cheapest item in the menu.

Rocky smiled as he watched her. He felt bad that Monique was scrimping,  so he devised a plan and put into action.

"I'll have the Chicken and Mushroom Risotto, the Spinach and Cream Ravioli, Four-Cheese Pizza and Italian Chicken Salad." he told the waiter.

"Will you be able to finish all of that?!" Monique's asked wide-eyed.

"I am hungry! Mind your own business." he quipped.

As soon as the food arrived, Rocky went into action and piled Monique's plate with food. "You better get some, because I might finish it all!" He was exaggerating of course.

Rocky sat back down, and Monique just looked at him. She knew what Rocky was doing. She knew that he ordered the food for her sake. She couldn't help but smile.

"I know I am good-looking, okay? You don't need to stare. Just eat." he jested.

"You sure are one pompous ass!!" Monique retorted.

Rocky laughed heartily, and Monique chimed in thinking to herself that this was the first time in a long time, that she has had this much fun. After their dinner, they walked around some more and decided to go into a cafe for good coffee and dessert.

"Have you ever thought of things that you would want to do? I mean, assuming everything is great, and you have the means, are there things that you want to do in your life?" Rocky asked Monique.

"Oh you mean like a bucket list?"


"Well, I do not have like an actual list, but I have some thoughts."

"What are they?" Rocky probed.

"Uhm... own a Michelin-star restaurant, be in two places at once, relive one childhood memory, walk on water, drive a sports car, speak 10 languages..." Monique's voice trailed of as she thought wistfully.

Monique's desires were so simple and honest. As he watched and listened, it struck him. He was so quickly falling in love with her. There was no rhyme nor reason to it, in that moment, he just knew, he loved her and he was going to do everything he could to make every single item on her bucket list a reality.

Monique, realizing that she fell quiet, asked "How about you?"

"There's only one thing." Rocky replied.

"Oh yeah? What is it?" Monique pressed.

"I want to get to know you." Rocky replied quietly, as he stared deep into her eyes.

Monique was speechless. She did not expect that. But despite her qualms, she knew that she wanted it too.

"I'd like that." Monique replied softly.


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