Chapter 13: I Love You

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"I need you like a heart needs a beat."

"Love, hold this, I would like you to hear something." He put one his earphones in Monique's ear, keeping the other in his, and handed her a sheet of paper.

"What's this?" Monique asked.

"Let's read what's on the paper, then listen to the voice prompts and guide." Rocky said.

"Je' Taime"
"Te Quiero"
"Ti Amo"
"Wo Ai Ni"
"Watashi Wa"
"Ich Liebe Dich"
"Ya Lyublyu Vas"
"Mahal Kita"
"I love you."

Each line they read together, while looking at each other.

"I still do not get what we just did, but it was very nice to say those to each other." Monique smiled lovingly at Rocky.

Rocky brushed aside wisps of hair that got to Monique's face, and pushed them behind her ears.
"Love, you just said I love you in ten languages."

It took a while for what Rocky said to register. When it did, Monique's eyes widened with delight. "Oh my God! My bucket list!" Monique planted Rocky's face with plenty of kisses. "Thank you, Love!"

Rocky could feel his heart swell with love. Monique's joy was unadulturated. It took very little to make her happy. This was something Rocky was not used to. Not with Leanne, and definitely not with all the dates he's had. He was more sure than ever that Monique truly was the one. As he looked at Monique, he knew. He would do everything to make her this happy every single day.

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