Chapter 41: Wrong Place, Wrong Time

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Draco's pov: "Currently, she can still feel a little section of her thighs, so that gives us a little hope...for now. But she needs medical attention ofcourse. And physiotherapy is essential." Madame Pomfree suggested. "MADAME POMFREE WHAT DO YOU MEAN FOR NOW?" Tracey panicked. "It means that there is a chance she will walk again, and there's another chance that...she won't." Madame Pomfree replied. "Madame Pomfree?" Delilah asked in her drained voice. "Yes dear?" Madame Pomfree answered as she stroked her hair. "How will I go around?" Delilah asked as she wiped her tears. "Well, I can get a wheelchair for you, and your friends can take turns in moving you around in Hogwarts." Madame Pomfree answered. I could see Delilah at loss of words as Madame Pomfree kept talking. "Its only a couple hours until your classes start. I suggest you leave Mrs. Pritchett to rest." Madame Pofree said as she guided us out. I stopped for a minute to say something to Delilah to calm her down "I will be back love, you shall never be alone." I said with a comforting smirk and a kiss on her broken arm. "Madame Pomfree?" Neville asked. "Yes dear?" She answered. "May I.....may I stay here with her? You she wouldn't feel alone." He requested. "Of course my boy!" She agreed. We all made our way outside the hospital wing. And before the wing door closed shut, I glanced Neville getting closer....and closer to her. Then the door was slammed shut by Tracey. I gave her a mean stare. "Draco. You know you can't have her forever, right?" Tracey said.
"I mean....she didn't even give me a chance to-"
"She DID give you a chance, Draco." She interrupted. "Listen, I know that things are not gonna be the same as before but....all you can really do now is be there for her. As a good friend looking out for her." Tracey calmed. "But I can't do that now that Neville is around." I scoffed. "Yes you can. Neville has every right to be a good friend beside Delilah just as you do. She's not a possession you know." Tracey advised. "I guess you're right..." I sighed. "Look, I'm gonna have a glass of butter beer in the slytherin bar, want some?" I asked. And I soon as I said that, Tracey started to gag. "Okay we don't have to do butter beer, there's always scotch!" I laughed. "No no its not that.....I'm just really really nauseous. That happens when I stay up too late." Tracey groaned as she rubbed her sick belly. "Okay fine, we'll have some tea." I suggested as I walked with Tracey back to the slytherin common room.

Neville's pov: I sat near Delilah as her eyes were quietly spitting out tears, one by one. "Are you....Are you okay?" I asked as I held her hand. "Yeah yeah I'm better now...." She sighed. "Look Delilah i swear-"
"I know. It wasn't your fault, Neville. I saw you try. I saw you fight. I felt you holding my hand. All of it." She interrupted. "Thanks Del. That really put my mind at ease." I said with relief. "Hey ummm...I know its gonna be a tough way down the road...but I will be guiding you through every obstacle. Even if it was on a wheelchair." I comforted. "Thank you Nev. Hey, by the way, can I....ask you something?" She asked. "Ask me anything." I replied. "While I was under that tree, I felt you trying to lift the tree up a little....but, something blocked it and the tree fell back down. And... I could've sworn my back cracked back then." She said. And it was at this moment that I knew, that was the reason she is paralysed. My eyes bottled up in tears and my face grew red as blood, and I was panicking like never before. "Neville! Yo!" Delilah snapped her fingers as I snapped back as well. "Yeah! Yeah! I'm here." I jumped. "Looks like you need some sleep. And I need some too." She suggested. "Yeah...looks like it." I replied. Then, I saw Delilah sink into a depressive look, as if the life was sucked out of her. "What's wrong, Del?" I asked. "Its just.....its just alot to take in. I mean....I may never even walk again! I already went through enough." She sighed in discomfort. "Listen to me, dragon." I said in encouragement. "Never in all my years in Hogwarts have I ever seen such a strong independent absolutely lovely woman such as you. I mean, its really okay if you couldn't walk, because at least you get to sit on a wheelchair throne because you are my queen. And I promise to protect you as long as I lived.....from anyone who hurts you. So, promise me something. Promise me that you will get up in the morning, dress your finest, let Tracey and Blaise decorate your wheelchair with jasmines and sunflowers, and show up like you own the place. Well of course after you fully recover of any bone damage. And I will sleep right beside you if you ever feel lonely. So, wipe those tears, and show me a smile. Come on!" I encouraged. She took a snotty breath and gave me a soft smile as I squeezed her fluffy red cheeks. I put my chair right beside her and sat over her head, watching her drift into a deep slumber. I stoked her hair and hummed her a song for hours and hours. I spotted her grin a little in her sleep, so I was glad I calmed her down. But when I said that I shall protect her from anyone trying to harm her, I meant it. Even if it was myself. Because I could never ever dare to forgive myself.
"Psst! Neville! Nev! Wake up!" Ron waked. "Mmmhhh," I stretched. "Bloody hell! What the hell happened to you!" Ron exclaimed. "Shhh! keep your voice down!" I whispered as I pointed at Delilah, who was sound asleep. "Oh sorry!" He whispered back. "What time is it anyway?" I asked. "IT IS 9AM DINGUS!" He whispered angrily. "Oh shit! I gotta go!" I panicked as I picked myself up and brushed my hair around with my fingers quickly. I squinted my eyes as the morning sun was shining like a piece of gold when it hits the light. "What are you two doing here?" Draco scoffed as he entered. "Keep your voice down!" I warned as Delilah moaned a little in her sleep. "Aren't you supposed to be somewhere growing plants or some shit?" Draco teased. "Not now Draco. Wrong place, wrong time. Calm down." Ron said. "Oh because that's what I need, you telling me what to do." Draco mocked. "Guys I'm going to class, and you should too." Ron said as he made his way out. "Pft! Weasley!" Draco scoffed quietly. "And what are you doing here?" I asked Draco as I crossed my arms. "Oh, am I not allowed to check up on my Delilah once in a while?" Draco smiled as my blood boiled. "I'm sorry.....what did you say?" I asked angrily. "Yeah....looks like that annoyed you a bit, didn't it Longbottom?" He teased. "Look, I really don't have nor the time nor the energy to talk to you right now, so if you'll excuse me, I will not miss a class for you to prove to yourself a point." I said as I walked away. But Draco stopped me with his arm on my chest. "You know, I will only thank you for one thing and one thing only. And that is saving Delilah. I don't know what happened that night, nor do I even care. But know this, if this was one of your trees that you grew, I will end you. You understand?" He warned. I couldn't help but gulp. I actually didn't save her that night. I was the reason for her paralysis! I didn't grow that tree, but I sure dropped it. I just turned around, opened the door and walked away. But something inside me told me to say "Hey Draco!"
"Yes?" He answered.
"Take care of her for me, okay? I know she means to you alot. that to her." I said in a monotone.
".....Of course. Why wouldn't I?" Draco replied. Then I made my way outside. Professor Dumbeldore had us all gathered around crowded in the great hall. "What's all this?" I asked Harry. "Looks like Professor Dumbeldore has to tell us something reeeally important." Harry replied. "Silence. Silence, please!" Dumbeldore said firmly as the crowd was getting louder than a bee hive. "SIIILEEENNNCCEEE!!!" Dumbeldore screamed. Honestly at this point that laugh I was hiding was about to pop out of my ass. The hall grew silent, and Dumbeldore spoke, "Dear students of Hogwarts, I have welcomed you here this morning to inform you that as from today.......your Christmas Vacation shall start." He announced. The hall jumped in cheer, loud and gasping chatter overflowing the entire hall. "I suggest you pack your luggage from now. The train will be awaiting you. Now, off you go!" He ordered as we all sprinted to our dormitories. "Babe! This could be like....our honeymoon!" Tracey told Blaise with a squeal. "I never liked the cold...but I know its your favorite season so at least I will find someone to keep me warm." Blaise grinned. "Mmm, warmer than ever!" Tracey giggled as she pulled his shirt softly and kissed him. "Again? Ugh." Pansy scoffed. "What's the problem? Does Fancy Pansy not like the fact that someone else has a boyfriend other than her?" Tracey mocked. "Bitch." Pansy murmured. We all heard her, she was walking away but I grabbed her by the wrist. "Watch it, Pansy. No one calls my friend a bitch." I warned. "Oh I'm sorry! let me rephrase....a pathetic bitch." Pansy said as she flicked her hair. Then once again, Tracey marched up to her. "Honey? What are you doing? Tracey? TRAYTRAY!" Blaise panicked. Tracey went up to Pansy and tapped her on the shoulder. "Hey Pansy, when you wanna call me a bitch, instead of putting pathetic, PUT BADDEST INSTEAD!" Tracey screamed as she punched Pansy in the face. "Oh shit." Blaise and I said at the same time. Pansy ran off and we were left amazed. "Oh come on, you liked that!" Tracey smiled at us. "UH YEAH WE DID!" Blaise yelled as he held Tracey and kissed her with tounge. "I'm just know...subtract myself out of this situation." I said akwardly as I headed to my common room.
How much can Delilah take? Who will be her backbone through this snowy winter? Find out int he next chapter!

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