Chapter 19: Never The Same

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Delilah's pov: I woke up this morning, with messy yesterday makeup and a sore throat. It was a couple of days after the breakup, my body was sluggish and my clothes were all over the place. My tears left a mark on my dry face, touching my lips that are chapped from all the lemon I ate with the tequilla with Tracey. I was not mentally ready for anything worse. I looked at the clock and...OH SHIT! PROFESSOR TRELAWNEY'S CLASS JUST STARTED! Tracey and I wore our robes, put our shoes on, tied our hair to something that was supposed to be a bun, and directly headed downstairs. Luckily, we reached Trelawney's class without missing anything. She put us both in a table while facing eachother. Draco wasnon the table on my left with Blaise. We haven't spoken a word to eachother ever since. We no longer got in trouble for staring at eachother in Professor Snape's class, we no longer ran up to the astronomy tower to have our little smoking weed was never the same. Professor Trelawney sat two cups of coffee before us, for me and Tracey each. that was supposed to be a "fortune telling" coffe cup according to what Tracey told me. "Okay, class...this cup of coffee is not just any ordinary shows its owner their destiny that lies before them. Now, each of you will drink the whole thing, and the remainder of the stiff under the coffee will cover the walls of the cup. A few seconds after, it shall show signs and symbols that determine your destiny. I will pass on each table, a book. with that you shall match your symbols with there meaning in the book." Wow, that's new. All of us grabbed our cups and chugged every bitter drop in there. Then we were left with nothing but coffee stiff on the corners of the cup. But a few seconds later, the coffee started to slyther and move all around the cup walls, carving and designing itself in such explicit detail into little symbols and drawings. And they keep moving. "Blaise Zabini! how about you go first!" Blaise took a deep breath, checked the book and said, "Well, i see a Swan....its got its head down. it looks like its dying alone...but there is a duck twirling around that swan....And it felt safe once more. And over there, I see a wolf greeting a fellow wolf." Blaise lead back on his chair in confusion. "Well done, Zabini. Tracey Davis! Tell us what do YOU see in your cup." Trelawney ordered. Tracey examined the book with her cup and said: "I see....a lioness. And she is standing infront of a snake. Its seems that....she is protecting her other jungle friends as well. On the other side of the cup, I see...a good looking man greeting me." Tracey was kinda relieved, it seemed like a good future. "Longbottom! your turn!" Trelawney said, offering the book over to Neville. As he began to inspect the symbols, he looked at the cup and said: "I-I see....a bird...that's in a cage. It seems that its trying to reach another bird. But then, two birds set him free. And I see two ants, carrying other two ants."
"Well done, dear! Now, Harry Potter! over there! your turn!" She gave Harry the book. Then he flipped the pages and said: "I see...a lion. And its fighting a black lion. They are almost identical, but one his good, one is evil. There are alot of weird looking horses dragging carriges and roaming the ground."
"Very interesting, Harry. And the last one shall beeee......Malfoy! Here you are, darling. Show us your destiny!" Draco snapped back after his mind was elsewhere. Draco then gave me a look, like he wanted to talk to me. But I just ignored it. "Come on, dear." Trelawney ordered as Draco examined his cup. He was squinting to look at the coffee moving, then his eyes widened. He backed away from the cup and swallowed. He looked so confused.
"I see....umm.....the sun playing around and stuff...yeah." Draco stuttered.
"That's...joyful Draco. Thank you." Professor Trelawney replied. As soon as the bell rang, the whole class got up and raced eachother outside the class. I ran as fast as I could, to get away from Draco, that was following me just as fast. Then, I felt a hand grab my wrist as I was reaching for the door. We got out of the class and we are now in the middle of the hall. "Didn't I tell you to stay away from me-" I said as I was turning around, only to find that it was Neville that grabbed me. "Sorry about that." I said with a low voice. "Yeah, no, its okay. So are you feeling today?" He asked. "I'm...great. Oh what the hell, I'm feeling awful. I drank so much tequilla last night, I feel like I could throw up." I sighed. "Hey, I'll tell you what, come over to the Griffindor common room after classes, and I'll make you some tea my Gran used to make me. I swear it works like a charm!" Neville replied. "Sounds perfect." I smiled. I was roaming the hall, only to find Tracey, throwing herself at me, her hair all messy and her face looks sick. "TRACEY WHAT HAPPENED?" I asked, concerned. "I...I threw was everywhere....oh god Del....the bathroom ghosts were not happy.." Tracey moaned, catching her breath. I picked her up and washed her face on the nearest sink. Then we sat at the hall bench as Tracey leaned her back on the wall. "Hey Delilah, While I was in the bathroom, you know, spewing my guts out, something weird happened." Tracey said. "What happened?" I asked. Then she sat up, leaned towards me and said, "I saw Draco."
"What! why was he in the girl's bathroom?" I asked.
"No idea. But as soon as Professor Trelawney's class ended, he ran out as fast as he could. I don't know what got him so worried. And as soon as he reached the nearest bathroom, he washed his face aggressively, then sat on the ground with his hands covering his face. Hell, even Moaning Myrtle, the bathroom ghost, was calming him down" Tracey replied. "Really?...But, why should I care, huh? I mean, one goodnight doesn't solve everything. I'm still mad at him. And we are not together anymore, so its no longer my business anymore." I said, with a disturbed tone. "Hey, umm, can you take me to the bathroom real quick? Cause that tequilla i had last night did not show me mercy. Moaning Myrtle is gonna have one hell of a show." She groaned. "Hey Tracey, I was feeling sick too, so Neville invited us over for tea for pain relief. You seriously gonna need that tonight." I replied.
"Good, cuz if I sit here one more second, I'm gonna ruin your robe." Tracey said, running to the bathroom. She dragged me as I pulled her hair to the back.
Then halfway to the bathroom, she screamed "SORRY MYRTLE!"
"OH NOT AGAIN TRACEY!" Moaning Myrtle replied.
Thank you for reading! What is gonna happen in Neville's tea party? Why was Draco in such a hurry? Find out in the next chapter!

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