Chapter 26: Gun To My Head

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Neville's pov: "What the fuck happened!" Tracey screamed from across the hall, grabbing Delilah's hand....that was...BRUISED??!! WHAT??!!! I leaned closer to listen to the conversation, but the only words I heard were "Hermione too" and "Dont tell anyone." Who did this to her?? What does Hermione have to do with it? The sound of the bell that rang over my head cut off the crowd of thoughts and questions racing my mind. We are in Professor Moody's class....and he does NOT look happy today. He was teaching us defense against the dark arts, and the lesson way quite dark itself to say the least. He was carving his chalk on the board, drawing a rather strange sign. "This, my fellow wizards, is the deadliest sign you shall ever encounter! Its the sign of you-know-who's followers."
"You mean Voldemort, sir." Harry interrupted. The room grew silent.
"Really Harry?!" I whispered. He let out a sigh. "Now, the name of this symbol is as frightening as the function of it. People who posses this sign are known by the-" And before he could even finish, Draco storms in through the large doors, laughing with Blaise and Adrian. But his smile shattered into a frightened look as soon as he saw that skull-shaped sign. Professor Moody orders the boys to sit back down, points his finger at the huge drawing and said with a deep voice: "The death eaters."
Draco's face grew yellow, he was so frightened! He began shaking and shaking until he couldn't take it anymore. So he left his books on the table and ran off. "Well, someone's not a fan of the Dark Lord!" Professor Moody teased.

Delilah's pov: After Hagrid's creature class, we headed to lunch. Tracey and Ginny had to go ahead and help Professor Slughorn with organising the potions and elixirs. Hermione was with Luna and Blaise was with Draco and Adrian was making out with Pansy. So, I was all alone. I dug through my mashed potatoes as I felt my mind sinking in my depression and shame. But that came to an end when I hear a hop hop hop coming towards the great hall. NEVILLE IN THE RABBIT COSTUME! HAHHAHAHA! "Why don't you look dashing, Mr. Longbottom!" I teased. "Oh well, I didn't hop hop hop past Professor Snape for nothing!" he laughed. "Come on, turn that frown upside down!!!" He said, hopping towards me as I laughed. And the weird thing was that at the time, we actually didn't give a fuck about those students sitting in the great hall, laughing and staring at us. Neville was always so shy, but by the looks of it, not anymore! "HEY NEVILLE, WANNA SHAKE THAT FURBALL UP YOUR ASS?" Seamus laughed. "GLADLY, BUT I'M GONNA HAVE TO SEE YOU SHAKE YOURS FIRST" Neville replied. The entire hall was howling and cheering, even Seamus laughed back. "See? I NEVER BREAK MY WORD!" Neville screamed, grabbing my shoulder and shaking it teasingly. "NEVILLE HAS GOT HIS BUNNY ON!" Blaise cheered.
"AND JUST WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING THERE, LONGBOTTOM!" Professor Moody screamed from across the hall. "Excuse me, Delilah....AAAAAAAAAAHHH!" Neville sprinted around the hall. "GET BACK HERE YOU FILTHY LITTLE BUNNY!" Mad-eye Moody screamed as he chased around Neville through the laughing students. I COULDN'T STOP LAUGHING! "RUN NEVILLE RUUUUNN!!" The students cheered, pushing Neville towards the exit. "YOU CAN HOP, BUT YOU CAN'T HIDE!!!" Mad-eye yelled, trying to keep up with Neville. He managed to make the whole hall spit out their drinks, wheezing!INCLUDING ME! I don't know how he did it, but he sure managed to make my day. He really did turn my frown upside down....
Tracey and I were walking in the hall, and we saw Hermione walking past us, her hands wrapped around her books and her eyes staring at the floor as she walked slowly. "Hey Tracey, um, I wanna have a minute with Hermione, I'll catch up with you later." I whispered  to Tracey. She gave me a nodd and carried on to the slytherin common room. "Hey Hermione!" I greeted as I was trying to catch up with her fast walking. "Hey, Del" She paused, looking at me with a fake smile. "Look, this may scare you, but there's no reason to be. Listen..I..I know Cormac. What he did to you." I said, worried. I could tell that she was extremely uncomfortable when I mentioned that. " know about that?" Hermione questioned with worry in her eyes. I gave her a confirming nodd. She paused for a minute, let out a desperate sigh and said: "Oh thank GOD I have someone to talk to!" I hugged her back, feeling her tears drip down my neck like a lake of sorrow. "Its happened to me too" I replied.
"WHAT!" She exclaimed as she pulled back. "So...the reason you were is was because-"
"I stayed up all night after the incident. I was too depressed to even show up."
I interrupted.
"I'm so so sorry. Was it because when you stood up to him when he was hitting on Luna a week ago?" She asked.
"That, and I embarrassed him because he said something sexist." I replied.
"Oh, god. Well, we can't let him get away with it. And he certainly can't walk around manipulating us like that. That's just....rubbish!" Hermione said angrily. "I know, but we have to find a way for him not to fuck with us girls any longer."
"I agree" She sighed, putting her hand on her bruise from Cormac. "You too?"
I said, concerned. "Classic Cormac....and the best part? I can't even tell Dumbeldore about it....or else I would be a "slut" all around school! I can't have that!....I'm really glad I opened my heart to you, because it was really aching." She then thanked me with a cute kiss on my cheek, which was glazed with my tears.
I was going back to my common room.
I was all alone in this cold, dark hallway. Nothing but the wind accompanying me through the wooden hall with creeks of wood beneath my feet as I took each step. And just when it can't get any creepier, I heard soft footsteps just behind me. My hands were shaking and my jaw was clenching so much, my teeth started to hurt. I froze in my place, looking around me in every corner of that dark hall. I continued walking, hoping it was just a mouse. "BOO! HAHHAHA!" Cormac popped infront of me. I screamed immediately and hid my face in fright. "GOTCHA!"
"What? Can't a man miss his mistress?" He teased as he played with strands of my hair. "Dont EVER call me that. And get your filthy hands away from me!" I ordered, pushing away his hand that was slowly ascending towards my bruised neck. "Ooooo, feisty! Last time we did this, you let me do all the work!"
Cormac laughed, grabbing my waist forcefully and sticking me on the wall.
"DONT TOUCH ME!" I cried.
"That's not your choice to make..."
And just when he was leaning in to forcefully kiss me.....
He screamed, punching him repeatedly. did he know about my bruises? Well, i guess my sleeves weren't that long after all. "Oh I see you finally grew a pair of balls there, Longbottom!" Cormac said, spitting out his own blood. "If you touch her ever again, imma rip out yours." Neville warned. Cormac ran away after he got kicked by Neville in the balls. He turned around, mouth all bloody and a book in his hand. "How did you know I was here?" I asked while pulling him into a hug. "Well, you left your book in the great hall, so I went to get it for you. Then I heard you screaming, so I rushed to you as fast as I could. Are you okay, Delilah?" Neville said, cupping my face and softly pushing away my hair.
"I'm....fine. I'm more than fine! Thank you so so much." I placed a gentle hand on his red face and kissed his cheek.
I took the book and went back to my common room. And suddenly, I felt the wind less colder, the wood creeks less louder, and my heart...safer than ever.
Thank you for reading! Will Cormac get the lesson he deserves? Will Neville and Hermione support her? Even Draco? Find out in the next chapter!

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