Chapter 11: I Can't Take This Anymore

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Delilah's pov: And there he was...standing there waiting for me. "Draco, is there something you need?" I asked. "Well, actually, yes I do. I...uh..never really knew what to give you for your birthday, or better yet an apology gift. But, this was the first thing that came to mind...I mean, that's the only thing I knew how to do.." He pulled out a paper from his suit pocket... it was the picture he drew in Professor Moody's class! "Oh wow, I never really took a good look on it...but the details are amazing" I replied, shocked. "Well, this isn't just a drawing on a paper when I was bored, this was one of the many times I've realised how much of a jerk I am for letting you down. And, one of the many times I couldn't resist you, and one of the many times I beat myself up because I didn't have the balls to tell you all that..." Draco said, holding my hand and leaning closer and closer to me. I have never seen Draco so...sincere. It was like he truly meant every word, and every drop of ink on that paper was Draco Malfoy's way of telling me how bad he feels. And before he could continue to say anything, I grabbed his suit and pulled it towards me, and kissed him....

Draco's pov: Wow. she did it. she fucking did it. I just let my heart do all the work, because my mind was freaking out. I pulled her from the back of her neck and kissed here even harder. Our hot breaths crashing into eachother as our lips brushed intensly against eachother in passion. Our bodies were at sync and we were grabbing onto eachother like a lion grabs its prey. Boy, I missed this alot. But this was the strongest most intense making out session we have ever had in our relationship. We crashed onto the couch , I was above her, feeling her soft waist as she brushed my hair with her fingers.

Blaises pov: I went downstairs to grab some water in the common room at 4am, only to find Draco and Delilah, top less, and sleeping over eachother. I was so angry at him, because all night I've been worrying about how Draco would react to me and Tracey, or how must he feel after all that Delilah drama, but as soon as I saw him, my African American genes were howlin', so I wipped his ass awake. "OWWWW WHAT THE FUCK BLAISE??" He screamed. "You deserve that after I've been worrying about you all night, didn't even realise you were out of bed!" I said as I pulled Draco up and threw his shirt at him. " Blaise, we're still a couple, this is allowed"
"YEAH BUT NOT IN THE COMMON ROOM BOY! THEY CALL IT A "COMMON" ROOM FOR A REASON! Just thank God that was just me walking down the stairs!" I screamed. "Uhh, what...WHAT THE HELL BLAISE IM IN MY BRA" Delilah said covering her breasts
"WELL YOU SHOULD'VE THOUGHT OF THAT BEFORE YOU LET OUT UR CHIMICHANGAS IN THE COMMON ROOM GIRL! Now get dressed before the rest wake up." I demanded, throwing her blouse that was under the couch over to her. They immediately got dressed, and they were all done by the time all the others woke up. How many times do I have to save their asses?

Neville's pov: I was sitting there eating breakfast when I noticed Delilah come in, holding hands with Draco. Did they work things out? I thought Malfoy was with Blaise upstairs! Is Malfoy gonna make it harder for me to see her or hang out with her? I was confused out of my mind! Until I saw her hiding a fresh looking hickey with her neck collar. She looked at me akwardly, wondering why was I staring at her. So I immediately looked away, brushing my hair to the back of my head and resuming to eat my pancakes. How did this even happen! When did they even have the time! I know its none of my business, but it all happened so fast! We are in potions class, and Professor Shughorn was teachings us about Amortentia, an extremely powerful love potion. "Students, this potion is very very powerful. there is nothing stronger than obsessive love. So don't get used to it. Each person has a soul mate, and this potion allows you to smell your soul mate's odor. Mr. Zabini! How about you go first to take a sniff?" Professor Slughorn ordered Blaise. He stood infront of this giant bowl with glowing pink liquid filling it to the top. Blaise took a sniff and said, stuttering: "Umm...I-I smell...cherry lipstick...and lavender shampoo.." Then Blaise snapped back and went back to his seat. I think that was Tracey's lipstick...because her face was red as an apple. "Thank you boy...Longbottom! You're up!" I was sweating like a pig...but I went up there to face that pink bowl. I took a sniff, and said "I smell...Jasmines...and strawberry perfume...mostly Jasmines though." And then it hit me..OH MY GOD! JASMINES! THAT WAS DELILAH! Oh shit! I can't do this to feelings are supposed to fade away not come back stronger! " Very nice indeed! Thank you Mr. Longbottom" I went back to my seat, trying so hard not to look at Delilah. "Mrs. Granger, care to take a little sniff?" Slughorn offered Hermione. She went up there, took a sniff, and said:" I smell....freshly mown grass, new parchment...and...spearmint toothpaste." Hermione looked at Ron, who's face turned redder than his hair, and she immediately ran off. This should be called the "tea" potion. And after a couple of students volunteered, the session finally came to an end. We went outside, and I "accidentally" bumped into Delilah on the way out. Her hair smelled like Jasmines, because she might of tried on the flower crown i gave her. And she had this refreshing strawberry perfume. WELL THATS JUST FUCKING GREAT ISNT IT!
What a chapter! sorry if it was boring, I promise the next chapter is gonna be better. What does Draco have to say about Delilah's admirer?  Find out in the next chapter!

The Death Of Both Worlds (A Draco Malfoy & Neville Longbottom Fanfiction)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя