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Delilah's pov: Today i woke up to the sound of a loud horn almost popping my eardrums out of place. Then I looked around, wiping the drool off my mouth, with Tracey, Hermione, Ginny, and Luna around me. "Okay what the hell is-" before I could say anything, Luna blew a horn in my face, then all the girls screamed at once "HAPPY BIRTHDAY DELILAH!!!" Oh my god! How did I forget! I was turning 17! This was my first birthday at Hogwarts, and let me tell you, when you sit with people that actually love you and care about your birthday for the first time, its the most amazing feeling in the world. As I sat up at tied my hair up, the girls brought in a cake with colored candles while clapping and singing Happy Birthday to me. The girls cheered as I blew away the candles. And the best part was Luna starting that pillow fight.

Draco's pov: we went down stairs to have breakfast in the great hall. "So Draco, what are you bringing Delilah for her birthday?" Blaise asked with a mouth full of food. HER BIRTHDAY??! ALREADY? "And how the hell did you know that??!" I asked Blaise. "Well, I heard Tracey talking to Neville about it, so I joined in on their plan a little bit." Blaise replied. How did he plan with that airhead Longbottom and not me? "I still don't know what to get her yet. I'm gonna have to figure that part out. Any ideas?" I asked. "Hey! I have an idea!" Blaise said, swallowing his food. "Bring her something meaningful. Something unique. Oh! I can fetch you one of those rare flowers that change color everytime you age! We still have 4 left in our garden." "Weren't there 5 of them last time?" I asked. "Oh, some kid stole one" Blaise stuttered. "Well, too bad i can't get one anymore. As African Americans in the wizarding world, we take our flowers very seriously. I can't beg my parents again. Sorry dude." Blasie replied then continued eating. That fucking birthday present is gonna bug me all day.

Tracey's pov: I've been talking to Neville about what to bring Delilah, and we decided on two things: Neville is gonna make her a crown out of Jasmine flowers, which is adorable if you ask me. And I'm gonna make her a bracelet of glowing pearls and shells I picked out from the enchanted lake. Then we planned on throwing her a surprise birthday party in the slytherin common room. And we have a few friends from Griffindor with Neville, so we're gonna have to sneak them in. Can't be that hard, right?

Neville's pov: Look, maybe I'm not the most ideal guy, but she told me that Jasmines were her favorite because her dad always used to pick them up for her, and i thought that with this gift, she would feel connected to her dad again. I'm not really good with expressing emotions but that was the best I could do. I just wanna make her happy.

Delilah's pov: I was on my toes the entire day. After all, I have the right to get excited. Its the first time I have celebrated my birthday in a long time. On my 16th birthday, I lit a match near the fire place and blew it off. It was cold, and the basement was freezing down there, so at least I got to sleep warm near the fire place. Mom wasn't the only one going to sketchy meeting and wearing black suits. So I was pretty much alone. But now, I'm surrounded by people I care about. And they keep me warmer than a thousand lit matches. But to my surprise, none of them showed up all afternoon. But why though? Are they supposed to be spending time with me?

Tracey's pov: For a while now, I've been having secret affairs with Blaise. And its not just about the sex, we really do like eachother. But Delilah has got alot on her mind right does Draco. So we kept it a secret. God! I feel like the girl from Romeo and Juliet! And ever since we got back to Hogwarts, we have been trying to get them to talk it out again. WHEN I TELL YOU THESE PEOPLE HOLD A GRUDGE, I MEAN IT.

Delilah's pov: Where is everybody? I tried entering the common room, but for the first time, it was....locked. I had lunch alone, then i went to check the common room one last time. So I'm all drained outby the end of the day, I went to my common room to look for them...again.... The door opened, but the lights were out. As I turned on the lights, BAMM! Confetti pops above my head, and fire works are all over the place. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" The whole room screamed. Every person you could think of was there. Hell, even people from Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw showed up! I couldn't believe my eyes, and I certainly could not hold back my tears. I NEVER THOUGHT THAT THEY WOULD DO THIS FOR ME! "Happy Birthday Delilah" Neville said, wiping my happy tears away and kissing my forehead. Draco was waving at me from afar, with a soft smile on his face. I smiled back and nodded. Then, it was party time.
Ginny and Luna went crazy! They were singing karaoke and didn't give a fuck! Then Hermione joined out of nowhere! Then Me and the girls formed a dance and sang "Single Ladies". But were we really single?

Neville's Pov: Dean and I came busting in with drinks and weed. And we even got those surprise jelly beans that makes you do animal sounds. Tracey started howling like a wolf, Seamus started to honk like a donkey, Blaise started screaming like a rooster, Delilah started making elephant sounds, And I started roaring like a Lion. We laughed our asses out. Then, it was time for the gifts. Delilah was a really humble person, so she thanked everybody for even the tiniest gifts. After Tracey gave her the bracelet, I finally went up to her. "I-I know liked I made you a little something." I stuttered as I handed her the crown. She covered her mouth with surprise and said, "Neville, I don't know how to thank you, really!" She pulled me into a hug that I couldnt resist. She was warm like a bear, and her hug was filled with lots of love. I never felt so great around her.

Delilah's pov: When the party ended, all the drunk students went back to their dormitories. I closed the door as I said goodbye, only to turn around and find one person waiting. Draco Malfoy.
●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●♤Thanks for reading! How is the after party gonna be with Delilah and Draco? Is it gonna be creepy? or freaky...
Find out in the next chapter! Sorry for all the POVs ,I promise that I'm gonna try not to shift so much between them.

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