Chapter 29: Mr. Loverman

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Neville's pov: I watched Cormac packing his clothes and belongings to go home after being expelled. Now this is not something I usually do, but I just wanted to enjoy it while it lasted. I leaned my back on the end of the door and sipped that lemon juice. He turned to me and sighed as I was purposely slurping really loud. Harry was hiding behind the bar, laughing. "What do you want now, Longbottom?" He asked angrily. "Oh nothing, just enjoying the moment while it lasted....Hogwarts has to take out the trash once in a while don't you agree?" I joked, sipping my drink while Harry was trying to hide his laugh as hard as he could. "If you were a real man, you wouldn't have shouted out there like a little chicken just because some girl told you do. Grow a pair of balls, will you?" He said, pushing me away with his shoulder. But I managed to grab his arm before he could take another step, because no one is gonna insult me and walk out the fucking door. "Listen McLaggen, the only one who has to grow a pair is you. Because you have this stupid perception that these girls are your sex toys. Well guess what! They are better people than you will ever be. So don't you dare ask me to grow a pair when you can't grow your own. And even if you tried to, it would be too small for the naked eye." I pushed him away and came back in to the boy's room next to Harry. Before he left, he stopped for a minute, turned around, looked me dead in the eyes and said, "I know about your stupid crush on Delilah. Yeah...I see the way you look at her....You loved her, WHILE she was with Draco! HAH! And I'm the pathetic one. Listen, you talk about mindset? How about you get the mindset that the only reason a girl could like you is because you did her herbology homework or she used you to get back at some boy. Just ask Pansy! She did a pretty good job at that a couple years ago, isn't that right? You show up here like Mr. Loverman defending his lover, but the only thing you're actually doing is embarrassing yourself. Goodbye, Neville Longbottom." Then he walked out with a smirk on his face. I don't know what he did, but he sure made me freeze in my place. It felt like someone has sucked the life out of me, like I was this powerless simp following around a girl that maybe out of my league. "Hey Nev, none of that was true, okay? He doesn't know what he's talking about. You're an amazing guy and any girl would be lucky to have you." Harry comforted me, putting a soft hand on my shoulder. I gave him a fake smile. But from the inside, I was sort of...drained out. I went back to Delilah's room to check if she was okay. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door. I found Delilah facing her mirror, brushing her wet hair and wearing her fluffy bath robe. She seemed slow. I approached her and called out her name softly, only to find her turning around to face me with tears bottling up her eyes.
"I did it" she whispered. "What do you mean?" I asked. "I'm free....and not just from Cormac....but also from the weight of guilt I had on myself because of my stepdad. Oh my god..." She cried quietly.
"I mean, that's great! you deserve every bit of-" And before I could even finish, she runs over to me with a tight hug and tears bursting out her eyes. "It was ugly, was awful..." she sobbed. I hugged her even tighter, "Dont worry's all over....I'm here for you...You're safe with me..." I whispered in her ear, comforting her. And I felt her breath calming down, her warm tears drying on my sweater, and her hair drying up by the minute. And honestly, I take great comfort in knowing that Delilah at least feels safe in my arms, and that Cormac is wrong. I really hope he is...

Hermione's pov: I was in my common room this evening, reading my book, and I hear a soft knock on my door. I dragged my book aside to see who it was. It was Ron. "Hey Hermione, you have a minute? Ron asked politely.
"Yes, yes ofcourse!" I replied, sitting up.
Ron slowly approaches me, face as red as his hair, and a worried look. He sat beside me and put his warm hand on mine. "Hermione......why...why didn't you tell me? You know, about Cormac. What he did to you. I could've beat the bloody hell out of him! I-I could've made him pay for every second he touched you! I could've made you" I looked at him and told him how he also threatened to hurt him if I ever told anyone about this, how he threatened to convince him that I'm using him and only wanna have sex with him. "I cared about you too much to let you go. I didn't want you to believe something that isn't even true." I explained. He sat up and said: "Hermione Granger, you are the strongest most loyal person I know. And for you to even think for a second that I would believe a WORD coming out of that bastard's mouth! Hermione, I swear to God I-" And before he could even finish, I grabbed his face and slammed his lips against mine. I kissed him so hard as tears of relief fell from my eyes. And let's just say.....there was a mess afterwards.

Delilah's pov: We were having the weekly Friday desert night in the great hall. The table was packed with candy, chocolates, gummies, cake, pastries, you name it! My personal favorite was the snake lickerish. Only the brave was able to catch the rapidly moving lickerish string and take a bite. And after all, I'm a slytherin, so why the fuck not. I swear to God the entire slytherin table was cheering as I was wrestling that candy snake to the ground and shoved in my mouth to take a bite. When you take a bite from the snake lickerish, it stops moving and you win. So I snatched the hell out of that candy snake. "I'M A BAD BITCH YOU CAN'T KILL ME!" I cheered as the crowd yelled after me. "Hey look! Our letters are here!" Tracey shouted out. The entire hall stood on the benches, snatching their letters from their owls that are hovering over the hall. Basically those letters are every semester. I never got anything from my "family", so I didn't expect much this year either. Tracey jumped over the table (even jumped over Blaise as well lol) "That's my letter!!!Aaaahhh.....GOT IT!" Tracey said, snatching her letter from underneath the owl's claws. She held this white envelope with her family stamp on it. Last year, Tracey's mom send me a letter so I wouldn't feel left out. "Lets seeee" she anticipated, ripping the letter open and unfolding it as I watched her.
"Dear Tracey,
Hey honey!! How are you doing!! I hope you are doing well!! How is Delilah dealing with the know. It must be hard for her, Maria was the only family she had. Remember to show up to the funeral...I love and miss you both♡

Love, Mom."

Tracey was reading that out loud, but for some reason she reached a part where her voice got lower and lower.
"What's the matter, Tracey?!" I laughed. But when she wasn't laughing back...I got scared. "T-Tracey...what's wrong."
"Delilah, I..." She stuttered. Neville and Blaise told Tracey to show them the letter because her face seemed worried. And as they was scanning the paper...their faces got even worse. The three of them looked at me, with tears in their eyes. "WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED??!!" I screamed. Then Hermione came over to me, and slowly handed me a yellow envelope. "Why...why is it yellow?" I asked. They all kept silent. Something told me that they knew what that meant. I ripped the envelope open with my shivering hands, and I read.
My mom's dead.
Oh no....What's gonna happen to Delilah? Who will she meet at the funeral? Find out in the next chapter....

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