Chapter 5: More Than Dancing

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Delilah's pov: The doors to the room of requirement suddenly appeared on a wall and opened wide as soon as we passed through a random corridor. Tracey and I look at eachother in confusion as we entered the party, only to find Draco and Blaise looking at us, their mouths slightly open. I just smiled. We're walking towards them, but we were pushed away by that bitch Pansy, wearing a slutty cat woman suit. she walked between us to reach Draco, because she knew how much Draco admired me time after time.

Draco's pov: What the fuck did Pansy show up, I mean yeah she looked hot, but she was trying a little too much for my taste. "Hey Malfoy, watcha doin' out here all alone" pansy said in a seductive voice. "


Draco's pov: she rubbed her fake claws gently around my neck as she played with her tail to draw my attention. she even meowed a little, almost like moaning. "A sexy vampire like you shouldn't be out here without a cat by his side.." she gently brushed my lips with the lips of her claws. "Get your bloody hands off me" I frowned as I took her hand off my neck. She slowly turned to Delilah, who was almost gonna beat the shit out of her, and said "And who the hell are you supposed to be? and why the fuck is ur face like a rotten cockroach? and what are you Tracey Davis, a snowman?" Blaise looked at Pansy with disgust and said " That's an ice queen dumbass!" Then i gave Delila a look, with a smirk, and said: " I think that pirate costume looks hot on you." Delilah looked down and smiled. "Are you really gonna spend the rest of the night with these whores?" And out of no were, Delilah slappes Pansy across the face and said "No one. calls. me. a. whore." Tracey being the hippie she is slappes her ass and says, "I'm not a whore, bitch!" as Pansy walks angrily to the other side off the room. "I'm sorry, I had to!" Tracey muttered, laughing.

♤Play "Feel So Close" by Calvin Harris in the background if you like♤

Delilah's pov: The music gets wilder, and all the other were dancing no matter how complicated their costumes were, hell, even Longbottom did a whole choreography with his cactus costume. "Ahoy, gorgeous. wanna dance? I'm a vampire but I don't bite" then I replied "you better not, cuz I got a whole bag of garlic and I'm not afraid to use it." He laughed so hard. I took his hand and went to the dance floor. I was dancing my heart out, which was something I haven't done in a really long time. But with Draco, I felt like I could do anything. Maybe Draco was the one thing I needed for me to get myself out there. And boy was it a blast.

Draco's pov: It was extraordinary. I felt the music devour me as I was waving my hands in the air and jumping like there's no tomorrow. I never noticed how music can unmask everyone and triggers their inner self, what they want , what the love. And for me, that was Delilah. Seeing her dance with her curves swinging left and right as she aims for the sky, that's what made me feel even more alive. I ran my hands through her hair as her fingers crawled up my chest. we were both jumping, so we let our body rhythm do all the work. My hand went down her hair to her neck, and i dragged my hand towards her cheek, slowly getting closer and closer to her lips as I brush them off slowly. She gently rubs her hands on my abs, elevating to my neck. She was shaking her body like there was no tomorrow! that corset really DEFINED her beautiful curves! she was biting with the song, closing her eyes and smiling as she bites her lip. And just when I thought she couldnt be more attractive.....

Delilah's pov: I grabbed his arm, stood at the very end of his arm, as a spread my arms to get ready to roll myself around him. But next thing I knew, he instantly pulled me to his chest before I could even catch my breath! He then leaned my body against his hands, my thighs almost reaching the floor. He looked down at me and said "my, don't you look sexy tonight." he quickly pulled me up and offered 2 shots of tequilla ,each, for us to drink. We swallowed those shots so fast, we almost threw up! We started dying of laughter as we both found Blaise and Tracey making out in the back, I've never seen someone snatch a mask of their head like Blaise with his ninga costume. God, how wasted were they?!!
We went up the dance floor and danced till our legs hurt. Draco, who was behind me, kept placing his hands on my waist as I swayed left and right. The night was really blurry, but I'm sure I felt kisses around my neck. Its like he took me to a whole new dimension with the music. We were laughing our asses off all night!! "I never actually learned how to dance. I was all alone in the Malfoy Manor, and I didn't have much friends, since my dad put me in that fucking mindset that I was superior, that mudbloods are filthy, all that shit." Draco said mockingly while he was drunk. Then he swallowed and said, "But when I danced with you, oh I didn't need to learn. Its like I was Micheal Jackson for crying out loud!!" We both laughed hysterically, without giving a damn about the people staring at us. "Hey guys! I heard footsteps! Hide everything, quick!" Ron screamed to the crowd. " You heard the man, GET YOUR ASSES TO WORK, MOVE MOVE MOVE" Blaise screamed, picking up all the cups off the floor. After we finished filling up the trashbags, we rushed out to our dormitories, laughing and wheezing and carrying drunk people upstairs.
We all woke up to a MASSIVE headache and alot of damaged makeup, everyone was feeling so drowsy, hell even the Quiditch team looked like dying birds floating in the sky. Ginny even fell asleep on her broom! We arrived to potions class with Professor Snape, and all he thought about was why we looked this way, why the boys had loose neck ties and why the girls were covered in hickeys.

Snape's pov: I don't know what happened last night, but my class looked like a whore house.

♤That party was a blast huh! but Draco asks Delilah an unusual question... find out in the next chapter!♤

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